Politico Upsets Zelensky Supporters by Saying He Can ‘Make Europe Do What He Wants’

politico upsets zelensky supporters by saying he can make europe do what he wants
Ercin Erturk/Anadolu Agency via Getty

Politico Europe upset supporters of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday with a post on X that said he was Europe’s “most powerful” leader in 2023 because he has convinced people “that his battle against Russia is also theirs,” which has given him the “authority to make Europe do what he wants.”

Politico Europe posted Monday on X about Zelensky:

Most powerful because: Ukraine’s president brought the war to the West, convincing people that his battle against Russia is also theirs. And giving him the authority to make Europe do what he wants.

The new post triggered Zelensky’s supporters since it said Zelensky “brought the war to the West.”

Some argued it was Russia who “brought the war to the West” by invading Ukraine in February 2022. Others said they were angered by the post’s unflattering “framing.”

While the post was a condensed version of the article, the article is not flattering either.

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President of Ukraine via Storyful

It said Zelensky’s “canny use of” the media has “brought the war to the West in a visceral way, convincing leaders and the public that his battle is also theirs.” It noted that it has given him the authority to “make Europe do what he wants”:

If he wants weapons, he gets them, even if it means reversing Germany’s long-standing policy not to sell them. If he wants sanctions, he gets them, even if it means Europe goes through an energy crisis and a tough winter with sky-high gas prices. Whether it’s seeds, trucks to ship Ukraine’s grain produce or zero tariffs, the requests are swiftly signed off. He even managed to break the logjam regarding the country joining the European Union, which has been frozen since 2013. In June, the bloc’s leaders put Ukraine on the path to membership.

Zelenskyy’s leadership also means that whatever issues Ukraine had internally — widespread corruption, a weak economy, social divisions between Ukrainian and Russian speakers — are being overlooked. His reputation as a plain-talking war president fighting the good fight is all the West sees at the moment. He is trusted with the weapons, grants and intelligence support that is only likely to expand as the West considers handing over air defense systems.

As long as Zelenskyy is alive, he will continue to move Europe in the direction he wants.

The 2023 ranking is actually from December 2022 but caused confusion since it was reposted on Monday. The outlet is set to announce its 2024 rankings on Tuesday.

The post comes amid waning support for Ukraine in its war against Russia, which has now ground into a stalemate despite more than 100 billion in U.S. and Western support.

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Volodymyr Zelensky via Storyful

American public attention has also turned to the war between U.S.-ally Israel and Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas.

The Biden administration is seeking $61 billion more in support for Ukraine, which Republicans are opposed to without approving more money for the U.S.’s southwestern border.

Follow Breitbart News’s Kristina Wong on ”X”, Truth Social, or on Facebook. 

Authored by Kristina Wong via Breitbart November 26th 2023