Poll: 73% Say Joe Biden’s America Is ‘Going Badly,’ Spiking 8 Points in 10 Months

poll 73 say joe bidens america is going badly spiking 8 points in 10 months
Arseniy45, Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Americans view the direction of President Joe Biden’s America with increasing pessimism, according to Sunday polling by CBS News/YouGov.

The survey shows a downward trend as Biden seeks to win reelection in 2024 as he is threatened with scandal, a sluggish economy, and foreign policy blunders.

Seventy-three percent say Joe Biden’s America is going badly, an increase of eight points in just ten months:

  • January: 65 percent
  • February: 68 percent
  • April: 70 percent
  • July: 71 percent
  • September: 69 percent
  • October: 73 percent

The poll also found Americans believe Joe Biden’s policies are benefitting wealthy Americans, not working Americans:

  • Eighty percent of Americans believe the wealthy are favored over the middle and working-class in Biden’s America. Only 14 percent say the middle and working classes are treated the same as the rich under Biden’s leadership.
  • If Joe Biden wins reelection, 39 percent say his policies would give preferential treatment to “Racial minorities over White people.” Just 43 percent believe Biden’s policies would treat both groups equally.

In addition, the poll found that Americans believe Joe Biden’s economy will continue to worsen:

  • Just 18 percent say Biden’s potential second term would financially benefit them, while 48 percent of Americans believe their financial position would worsen. Thirty-four percent say it would remain the same.
  • In contrast, 45 percent of Americans say they would be financially better off if former President Donald Trump wins the 2024 election, 27 points greater than Biden. Only 32 percent believe they would be worse off, 16 points less than Biden.

The poll sampled 2,636 U.S. adult residents from October 30 to November 3, 2023, with a ± 2.6 percent margin of error.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Authored by Wendell Husebø via Breitbart November 6th 2023