Poll: Biden’s Approval Rating 38 Points Underwater with Independents

poll bidens approval rating 38 points underwater with independents
Luong Thai Linh/Pool Photo via AP

President Joe Biden has an approval rating of 40 percent while 60 percent of Americans are unhappy with his performance as president, including almost 70 percent of independents, according to a CBS News/YouGov poll published Sunday. 

Biden’s approval rating is on par with an Economist/YouGov poll released last week, which showed that 38 percent of Americans gave him positive marks regarding his performance versus 55 percent who disapproved. In that poll, six percent were undecided, while no such population is included in the latest YouGov survey.

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Looking deeper, 79 percent of Democrats surveyed approve of Biden in the latest poll, while 92 percent of Republicans and 69 percent of independents disapprove. Exactly half of independents “strongly disapprove” of the president, while 19 percent “somewhat disapprove,” and only 31 percent approve of his performance to varying degrees. In other words, Biden has an abysmal net -38 approval rating among independents. 

Biden’s approval rating is underwater across the board on key issues with U.S. adults, ranging from the economy and inflation to immigration and abortion. Only 35 percent approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, and just 29 percent approve of how he has addressed inflation, even though his campaign and administration are amid a “Bidenomics” branding blitz.

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The figures worsen among independents, with only 26 percent happy with Biden’s economic showing and just 20 percent satisfied with his handling of inflation.

Regarding immigration, only 34 percent of all respondents say they approve of how Biden has approached the issue, while 66 percent disapprove. What is more, most Americans (55 percent) say the White House should be “tougher” on illegal immigrants at the border, while only 19 percent believe the administration should be “easier” on them. 

His rating pings a net -16 points on “jobs and unemployment issues,” as well as his approach to the war between Russia and Ukraine. He is 18 points and 20 points underwater on “foreign policy” and “the issue of abortion,” respectively.

Notably, 50 percent of respondents say Biden has weakened the United States’s posture on the world stage, while just 24 percent think he has strengthened it. Over one in four think Biden is not influencing the strength of the U.S. in one way or another. 

The poll was conducted between September 5-8 and sampled 2,335 U.S. adults. The margin of error is plus or minus 2.7 percentage points. It follows a Sunday report in the Hill indicating Democrats in the Senate have become concerned or irritated over Biden’s poor polling in other surveys.

Authored by Nick Gilbertson via Breitbart September 10th 2023