Poll: Clear Majority Backs Donald Trump’s Immigration Policies

SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

Americans strongly back former President Donald Trump’s immigration policies, according to a poll that asked Americans about their preferred policies, not the candidates.

Fifty-four percent support and just 23 percent oppose “requiring asylum seekers from Latin America to wait in Mexico while their claims are processed in the [U.S.] courts,” says the YouGov poll, released on June 26.

Fifty-four percent support and 35 percent oppose “arresting and deporting thousands of illegal immigrants,” said the poll of 2,289 adult citizens during two surveys taken June 18-21 and June 19-22, 2024.

Fifty-two percent support and 39 percent oppose “building a wall that extends along the entire U.S.-Mexico border.”

poll clear majority backs donald trumps immigration policies


However, Trump’s calls to end birthright citizenship are not yet a majority. Forty percent support and 47 percent oppose “ending the automatic granting of citizenship to children born in the U.S. whose parents are immigrants in the country illegally.”

Many polls show that the chaos and damage caused by President Joe Biden’s flood of ten million legal and illegal migrants have boosted American opposition to migration despite the media’s policy of hiding the scale and pocketbook damage from citizens.

poll clear majority backs donald trumps immigration policies

Harvard Caps/Harris

In June, for example, a CBS poll showed that 62 percent of Americans — including 53 percent of Hispanics — would support a program of large-scale deportation.

Biden’s pro-migration policy is pushed by his business-backed progressive deputies, chiefly by Alejandro Mayorkas, who is Biden’s border chief

Authored by Neil Munro via Breitbart June 28th 2024