Poll: Independents Trust Donald Trump More than Joe Biden to Fix Economy

poll independents trust donald trump more than joe biden to fix economy
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images; Julia Nikhinson/CNP/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Americans trust former President Donald Trump to handle the economy more than President Joe Biden, and that includes independent voters, a recent Suffolk University Sawyer Business School/USA TODAY poll found.

Most, 59 percent, disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy. Perhaps what is worse for the 80-year-old president is the fact that 67 percent of independents and one-third of Democrats believe the economy is actively getting worse under his leadership.

When asked who they trust to better the economy, Americans chose Trump by a double-digit margin.

Forty-seven percent said they trust Trump to make the economy better, compared to 36 percent who said the same of Biden. That gap is even wider among independents, as 46 percent trust Trump to improve the economy, compared to 26 percent who chose Biden — a 20-point gap.

According to USA Today, “Eighty-four percent of Americans say their cost of living is rising, and food and groceries is the top concern.”

Inflation has dominated Biden’s presidency, and concerns about food and gas prices still linger. Grocery prices, for instance, are up 19.6 percent.

As Breitbart News reported:

The cumulative effect has been devastating for the budgets of many households. Since February 2021, food-at-home prices are up 19.6 percent.

Even though the rate of increases has declined since last year, when food prices were up 13 percent compared with the year before, there is no sign of a return to the pre-Biden price levels. Instead, food prices seem to be settling into a permanently higher price level and a persistently higher rate of monthly increases.

Data also shows Americans suffered the biggest drop in household income in over a decade in 2022, during Biden’s presidency, as real median household income dropped 2.3 percent. For a greater perspective, “That means it is worse than the pandemic decline of 2.2 percent. It is the fourth worst year in records going back to 1985,” Breitbart News detailed.

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Authored by Hannah Bleau via Breitbart September 16th 2023