Poll: Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton Top Candidates If Joe Biden Decides Not to Run

poll kamala harris hillary clinton top candidates if joe biden decides not to run

The top two alternative Democrat presidential candidates if President Joe Biden decides not to run are Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton, a recent Harvard-Harris poll shows.

The poll suggests that Democrats prefer far-left candidates over blue dog Democrats.poll kamala harris hillary clinton top candidates if joe biden decides not to run

Executive Producer Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks on stage during “Below The Belt” New York Premiere at Museum of Modern Art on May 24, 2022, in New York City. (Cindy Ord/Getty)

  • Kamala Harris: 24 percent
  • Hillary Clinton: 13 percent
  • Bernie Sanders: 10 percent
  • Gavin Newsom: 7 percent
  • Pete Buttigieg: 7 percent
  • Elizabeth Warren: 5 percent
  • Someone else: 4 percent
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: 3 percent

The poll also found that a majority of Democrats say Biden should not run for reelection:

  • Should Not run: 59 percent
  • Should Run: 41 percent

Among independents, a majority oppose a Biden reelection campaign:

  • Should Not run: 66 percent
  • Should Run: 34 percent

The chances of Biden deciding not to run for president are low. Candidates seeking election must file paperwork before state deadlines and must build a campaign apparatus.

Because Biden intends to run for reelection, it appears dropping out now would hurt the Democrat Party.

Biden could still drop out, however, due to a physical mishap or sharp mental decline.

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The poll showed voters doubt Biden’s fitness for the office:

  • Only 42 percent believe Biden “is mentally fit” for office.
  • 58 percent “have doubts about his fitness.”
  • 2 in 3 voters say that Biden has shown he is too old to be president.

The poll sampled 2,851 voters from November 15 and 16, 2023, without a specified margin of error.

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NBC News

Follow Wendell Husebø on “X” @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Authored by Wendell Husebø via Breitbart November 21st 2023