Poll: More Say Economy Will ‘Get Better’ if Trump Elected, ‘Worse’ if Biden Reelected

(Photo: iStock, Mandel Ngan/Getty Images; Brennan Linsley/AP Photo; BNN)
iStock, Mandel Ngan/Getty Images; Brennan Linsley/AP Photo; BNN

More believe the economy will “get better” if former President Donald Trump is elected in November, and more believe it will get “worse” if President Joe Biden wins a second term, a weekly survey from the Economist/YouGov found.

Overall, a plurality, 47 percent, said the economy will “get worse,” while just 21 percent predicted that the economy will “get better” if Biden, 81, is reelected. Another 21 percent said it will “stay the same.”

Notably, a plurality of independents, 47 percent, also believe the economy will “get worse” if Biden is reelected, compared to 12 percent who believe it will get better.

In contrast, more across the board, 42 percent, believe the economy will “get better” if Trump is elected in November. Another 34 percent believe it will get “worse,” and nine percent believe it will “stay the same.”

Among independents, more, 35 percent, believe the economy will “get better,” while 33 percent believe it will “get worse,” and 11 percent believe it will “stay the same.”

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The results coincide with the fact that 97 percent of respondents consider jobs and the economy an “important” issue. Of those, 72 percent said it is “very” important. All the while, Biden has 54 percent disapproving of his handling of jobs and the economy, compared to 39 percent who approve of his handling of the issues. Even more independents, 58 percent, disapprove of Biden’s handling of jobs and the economy.

The survey was taken May 5-7, 2024, among 1,813 U.S. adult citizens.

A recent Gallup survey also showcased Biden’s vulnerability on the issue of the economy, as confidence in his economic leadership fell to a “historically low point,” as Breitbart News reported.

Authored by Hannah Knudsen via Breitbart May 15th 2024