Poll: Most Biden Voters Admit They Are Voting ‘AGAINST’ Trump Rather than ‘FOR’ Biden

Donald Trump and Joe Biden
Alon Skuy, Shawn Thew/EPA/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Most Biden supporters are not supporting President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election because they champion him and his leadership — rather, it is a vote “against” former President Donald Trump — a recent survey from the Economist/YouGov revealed.

The survey, which showed Trump leading Biden by two points among registered voters in a 2024 matchup including third-party candidates, asked Biden supporters, “Would you say you are mostly voting FOR Joe Biden or AGAINST Donald Trump?”

A slight majority, 51 percent, admitted that they are mostly voting “AGAINST” Trump, compared to 48 percent who said they are mostly voting “FOR” the 81 year old. The vast majority of independents who intend to vote for Biden, 70 percent, also admitted that they are mostly voting “AGAINST” Trump rather than “FOR” Biden.

The survey posed the same question to respondents who said they will be voting for Trump, but it found that a solid majority, 67 percent, are mostly voting “FOR” Trump. In other words, most Trump supporters are not simply voting for Trump as a protest vote against Biden. Just 32 percent said they are supporting Trump because they are mostly voting “AGAINST” Biden.

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Jack Knudsen / Breitbart News

Unlike the majority of independents who are supporting Biden as a vote “AGAINST” Trump, most independents supporting Trump, 62 percent, say they are mostly voting “FOR” the former president. Another 35 percent said they are mostly voting “AGAINST” Biden.

The survey also asked respondents, “Regardless of who you prefer, who do you think would win the presidential election if Joe Biden were the Democratic candidate and Donald Trump were the Republican candidate?”

A plurality, 41 percent, believe Trump will win, compared to 34 percent who said the same of Biden. Another 25 percent remain unsure. Notably, a plurality of independents, 42 percent, remain unsure, but more believe Trump would win than Biden, 37 percent to 21 percent.

The survey was taken June 9-11, 2024, among 1,595 U.S. adult citizens. It comes as several other polls show that the Manhattan jury’s guilty verdict in the controversial business records trial has had no negative effect on the former president, to the likely dismay of Democrats.

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Jack Knudsen / Breitbart News


Authored by Hannah Knudsen via Breitbart June 18th 2024