Poll Shows Record Bipartisan Opposition to Biden’s Open Border

poll shows record bipartisan opposition to bidens open border

A burst of new polls shows record bipartisan opposition to President Joe Biden’s wealth-shifting open borders policy.

Biden’s bad numbers are expanding the GOP’s so-far unused opportunity to win swing voters by offering a non-partisan, sympathy pitch about the pocketbook costs and civic damage of Biden’s migration.

Biden got a 23 percent approval rating for his border policy, according to a September 15-20 poll conducted by the Washington Post and ABC News. Sixty-four percent declared opposition to Biden’s policies.

The poll shows an eight-point shift since February 2023, when Biden had 28 percent support and 59 percent opposition.

poll shows record bipartisan opposition to bidens open border

Biden’s Ratings Negative on Economy and Immgrtion, Sept. 15-20, 2023, Washington Post-ABC News poll of 1,006 U.S. adults with an error margin
of +/- 3.5 percentage

The opposition was so negative that the Post‘s pollster did not ask or show how many people “strongly” support Biden’s policies.

A CBS poll showed that 55 percent of voters want Biden to be “Tougher on immigrants trying to cross at the border.” The September 5-8 poll showed that just 15 percent prefer an “easier” policy. The poll showed just 34 percent approval for Biden’s migration policy, with 66 percent disapproval.

An NBC poll of 1,000 registered voters showed that only 20 percent of voters believe Biden and Democrats will do a better job than the GOP on border security. Only 27 percent say Democrats will do a better job than the GOP on migration policy.

But NBC’s September 15-19 poll also showed that Republicans have not used the immigration crisis to win support from the swing-voting independents who decide elections.

For example, the NBC poll shows that only 50 percent of voters believe the GOP will do a better job on border security, down from 56 percent in a September 2022 poll.

Only 45 percent believe the Republicans will do a better job on the broader issue of immigration, down from 46 percent in September 2022.

poll shows record bipartisan opposition to bidens open border

GOP leaders and their donor-funded campaign groups mostly spotlight migration problems to help turn out GOP base voters, not to win more voters from the Democratic Party.

The GOP donors do not want to win elections on immigration debates because then the party would be forced to push bills that reduce the migration inflows that benefit donors, employers, retailers, and landlords.

So most of the GOP’s TV adds on migration focus on crime, chaos, security, and threats to spike base voters — and also sabotage any populist pitches to the growing number of voters who are worried about migration’s impact on their pocketbooks.

The ABC and NBC polls were posted as divided House GOP legislators are trying to draft a spending plan for 2024.

The most important divide is whether GOP leaders should use Biden’s poor ratings to fight Democratic efforts to smuggle more migrants into Americans’ jobs, housing, schools, hospitals, and political priorities.

But another new poll by Rasmussen Reports shows that most voters want the GOP legislators to engage in the anti-migration fight.

Eighty percent of Republicans and 61 percent of swing-voting independents support “making border security part of the negotiations for a new spending bill,” according to a September 16-21 poll of 1,020 likely voters, said Rasmussen.

poll shows record bipartisan opposition to bidens open border

Which Party Would Do a Better Job, Rasmussen Reports

Strongly held opinions are especially important because they are unlikely to change during a political fight — and Rasmussen shows that 43 percent strongly favor the inclusion of border security, while just 16 percent of Rasmussen’s respondents “strongly” oppose the focus on border security.

The strong opposition bloc of 16 percent includes a quarter of all Democrats, one-sixth of all independents, and four in ten liberals.

The 43 percent of “strongly” supporters include 47 percent of whites, 40 percent of women, 32 percent of blacks, 63 percent of Republicans, 23 percent of democrats, 35 percent of self-described moderates, and 13 percent of liberals.

A mid-September poll by Rasmussen Reports shows rising concern about the impact of illegal migration on jobs, housing, and schools.

Thirty-four percent of swing-voting moderates said migration damages local schools, while seven percent said schools are “better” because of migration.

Thirty-six percent of the moderates said migration makes local hospitals worse, while five percent said Biden’s migration improves local hospitals.

The moderates also split 29 percent “worse” and nine percent “better” when asked: “Has recent illegal immigration made your local job market better or worse?”

“The Republicans have yet to make a case why they’d make any difference [on immigration],” Mike McKenna, a political consultant in Virginia, told Breitbart News in July 2022. He continued:

That’s not in the [GOP’s] current DNA right now.They’re just like, “You know what? We’re happy just hanging around hoping for the best.” It’s crazy. It’s crazy, but that’s where we are.

In May 2023, GOP leaders pushed a comprehensive set of reforms through the House, dubbed H.R. 2. So far, the GOP’s Senate caucus has ignored the plan despite widespread nervousness among Democratic politicians.

Democrats and lobbyists know they lose swing voters if Republicans emphasize the pocketbook, family-table damage inflicted by elite-driven migration.

In April 2022, for example, a Democrat narrative creator described six “deep narratives or value frameworks that we believe would help to activate a pro-immigrant majority.” Jeff Chang continued:

Those are interdependence, belonging, abundance, dignity, safety, and the freedom to thrive. And if we are able to move people on one or two into an adoption of all of those deep narratives, then what we think we’ll do is be able to get people to a worldview in which immigrants are welcomed … We call that a narrative system, a narrative system of six deep narratives that we want to activate long-term in our narrative work.

Chang ran the Butterfly Lab for Immigrant Narrative Strategy at Race Forward, which is a progressive group. The secretive center is funded by George Soros money.

Democratic legislators increasingly favor migrants over Americans:

Homeland Security Committee Events / YouTube

Extraction Migration

The Biden migration added at least four million workers to the nation’s workforce.

That flood is urged and welcomed by business groups because it helps to cut Americans’ blue-collar wages and white-collar salaries.

It also reduces marketplace pressure to invest in productivity-boosting technology, heartland states, and overseas markets. and it reduces economic pressure on the federal government to deal with the drug and “Deaths of Despair” crises.

Biden’s easy-migration policies are deliberately adding the foreigners’ problems to the lengthening list of Americans’ problems — homelessness, low wages, a shrinking middle class, slowing innovation, declining blue-collar life expectancy, spreading poverty, the rising death toll from drugs, and the spreading alienation among young people.

Authored by Neil Munro via Breitbart September 26th 2023