Poll: Trump Has Double-Digit Lead over Biden on the Economy

Donald Trump and Joe Biden
Anna Moneymaker, Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump has a double-digit lead over President Joe Biden on the economy among registered voters, a recent Financial Times/University of Michigan Ross School of Business poll found.

Across the board, more chose Trump as the individual they believe would be better to handle the economy — 42 percent. Just 31 percent said the same of Biden, putting him 11 points behind Trump on that pressing issue. Another 21 percent said they neither trust Trump nor Biden on the issue of the economy.

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Further, the survey showed just 27 percent currently rating the economy either “good” or “excellent,” and less than half, 36 percent, approve of the way Biden is handling the economy.

More via the Financial Times:

The poll pointed to the sharp partisan divides that are weighing on Biden’s approval ratings. Seventy-one per cent of Democrats said they approved of Biden’s handling of the economy, compared with just 5 per cent of Republican voters.

But the survey also laid bare differences between different demographic groups. Trump continues to enjoy significant strength among lower-income Americans, suggesting the recent boom is not being felt equally across the economic divide.

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The survey was taken February 2-5, 2024, among 1,006 registered voters and has a +/- 3.1 percent margin of error. It coincides with a recent ABC/IPSOS survey, showing Trump not only leading Biden on the issue of the economy but on several other issues — from immigration to crime — as well.

In that survey, for example, 43 percent say they trust Trump to handle the economy, compared to 31 percent who said the same of Biden — a +12 advantage for Trump.

Authored by Hannah Bleau Knudsen via Breitbart February 15th 2024