Poll: Trump Leads Biden by One Point in Hypothetical General Election Race

poll trump leads biden by one point in hypothetical general election race

Former President Donald Trump has enjoyed a three-point swing his way since June and now leads President Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2024 presidential election match-up, according to the latest J.L. Partners-DailyMail poll

The poll, published Monday, finds that 45 percent of the 1,000 likely voters sampled back Trump for the presidency, placing him a percentage point above Biden at 44 percent. 

In a June J.L. Partners/ DailyMail poll, Trump garnered 44 percent and trailed Biden at 46 percent.

“Not only is Trump maximising enthusiasm amongst Republicans, he has also leapfrogged Biden amongst independents, is squeezing him amongst black and Hispanic voters, and is picking up support amongst younger men,” J.L Partners co-founder James Johnson told the DailyMail. 

J.L. Partners tested other GOP candidates’ strength against Biden in head-to-head match-ups, which yielded mixed results, per the Mail:

The poll also found that other Republican candidates hold narrow leads over Biden: Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley leads by two points, while Sen. Tim Scott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis hold a one-point advantage in hypothetical matchups.

J.L Partners conducted the poll from September 15-20, and the margin of error registers at plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. 

The poll joins two of the most recent national polls – one from the Washington Post and ABC News and another from Harris and the Messenger – showing Trump leading Biden. 

The Washington Post-ABC News poll published on Sunday found Trump with a 10-point lead over Biden at 52 percent and 42 percent, respectively. This appears to be Trump’s best performance in a national poll against Biden this cycle. 

Monday’s Messenger-Harris poll showed Trump with a more modest five-point lead. He garnered 46 percent to Biden’s 41 percent.

Additionally, a CBS-YouGov poll released on September 17 had Trump one point ahead of Biden, while September’s Harvard-Harris poll indicated he was five points in front.

Trump’s advantage over Biden in the Real Clear Politics polling average from September 9 through September 26 registers at 1.1 percent. 

Authored by Nick Gilbertson via Breitbart September 27th 2023