Polls: Tight Race Brewing Between Biden, Trump in New Hampshire

AP Photos/Patrick Semansky, Andrew Harnik

Multiple polls released out of New Hampshire this week show a tight general election race brewing between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden.

The University of New Hampshire’s latest Granite State Poll, published Thursday, shows Trump just three points behind Biden in the blue-leaning state in a five-way race for the White House.

Biden leads with 44 percent of support compared to Trump’s 41 percent. Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. comes in third with three percent, followed by the Green Party’s Jill Stein at two percent and independent Cornel West at one percent.

Republicans appear more enthused about voting for Trump than Democrats are about supporting Biden. In the five-way contest, Trump is backed by 90 percent of Republicans, while Biden is backed by 86 percent of Democrats. However, anti-Trump Republicans are more inclined to vote for Biden than anti-Biden Democrats are to vote for Trump.

Biden earns six percent of GOP support while the 45th president takes one percent of the Democrat response. Biden also leads with independents (41 percent to 32 percent) in New Hampshire, which has gone blue in the last five presidential elections.

In a two-way race between Trump and Biden, Biden takes 52 percent of support, and Trump garners 48 percent.

The poll sampled 1,140 likely general election voters from May 16-20, and the margin of error [MOE] is ± 2.9 percentage points.

It comes on the heels of a Monday’s New Hampshire Journal/Parecones Analysrica poll showing the presumptive presidential nominees in a dead heat at 37 percent apiece in a three-way race with Kennedy. Kennedy garnered 15 percent.

Praecones Analytica principal analyst Jonathan Klingler told the Journal that Biden was only winning one in four independent voters.

“In comparison to exit polls from the 2020 presidential election, independent/undeclared voters in New Hampshire demonstrate significantly lower support for Biden, as Biden won around 60 percent of these voters in 2020, compared to around a quarter if the election were held today,” he said.

The poll was conducted May 15-20, among 862 registered voters. The MOE was ± 3.33 percent.

Authored by Nick Gilbertson via Breitbart May 23rd 2024