Pompeo: Biden Iran Appeasement to Blame for Israel’s Troubles

During an appearance on FNC’s “Hannity,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called out the Biden administration for its efforts to appease Iran, which he said was the cause of Hamas’ assault on Israel earlier this month.

“Mr. Secretary, we’re worried about a two-front war. In the north, Hezbollah and Lebanon and then, of course, Gaza,” host Sean Hannity said. “Now we have Iran threatening and warning Israel their time is up. At that point in time, I know Israel — it would be difficult to have a two-front war. But if Iran involves itself, I would argue — and correct me if I’m wrong — its very existence would be hanging in the balance. To me, that would be a threat to the entire region, and maybe the consequences even worse. And I don’t even want to go there. How bad would that be?”

“Yeah, it’d be deeply dangerous, Sean, and I frankly think we’re pretty close to that today,” Pompeo replied. “I do think we have war at hand, this barbarity that we saw in the southern Israeli desert, and we can’t forget, as you mentioned in your opening monologue, 30 Americans killed, and the president of the United States travels to Israel and doesn’t mention the address to which this should be held responsible, right, the Islamic Republic of Iran. I hope that we will continue to give Israel the space and the resources it needs to do the necessary for its own people because it’s necessary for Americans as well. There’s still American hostages being held there as well. If we just get Hamas, that will be a good thing. It will save lives. It will eliminate one threat to the Jewish people in their homeland.”

“But make no mistake about it, this came from Iran,” he continued. “In spite of President Biden and his team’s unwillingness to acknowledge that, they underwrote it. They trained them. They prepared them. There is no doubt they knew about this, and it will be their decision about whether Hezbollah comes in from the north and that this is not inevitable. America can deter a two-front war for Israel, but it’s going to require American leadership that I simply have not seen and not appeasement. And the fact, Sean, President Biden goes there and says, I’m going to give the Palestinians another hundred million of U.S. taxpayer money, is exactly the kind of appeasement that brought us to the very day that we’re sitting in right here today.”

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Authored by Jeff Poor via Breitbart October 19th 2023