'Poster Boy' Migrant Imprisoned After Beating And Raping His Own Mother

poster boy migrant imprisoned after beating and raping his own mother

A Congolese man who was previously held up as an example of successful migrant integration has been jailed for only nine years in Germany for raping his own mother and beating her almost to death.

The German outlet Nuis reports that 30-year-old Moise Lohombo was sentenced by the Wiesbaden District Court, with the judge barely being able to believe what he had read in the case file.

The report notes that Lohombo, just been released from prison for drug offences last August, returned to an apartment he shared with his mother, who is only 12 years older than him, and proceeded to threaten her at knifepoint to have sex with him.

In an act of desperation, the mother offered him money to spend on a prostitute, the report further notes.

Lohombo then proceeded to rape his own mother while punching her repeatedly in the face. He then called an ambulance and fled.

Investigators noted that they found the apartment walls covered in blood spatter, which Lohombo had attempted to clean off.

The report further details that the mother miraculously survived after being treated for severe brain bleeding. She also suffered psychological trauma and expressed anxiety that her own son may have impregnated her.  

The court found the migrant guilty and rejected a plea to incarcerate him in a psychiatric institution.

The only thing Lohombo said during the trial was “I don’t know how this happened,” according to the report.

It also details how Lohombo was featured in an article in 2017 in the Deutsche Handwerkszeitung newspaper as a migrant who had turned his life around in Germany after arriving from Congo aged 8, turning away from previous violence and crime and completing an apprenticeship as a baker and then training to be a professional boxer.

poster boy migrant imprisoned after beating and raping his own mother
Instagram screenshot

The piece described Lohombo as “a charming, friendly young man who enthusiastically shows pictures of his bull terrier dog Betty on his cell phone.”

It further described Lohombo’s life as having “ups and downs” and claimed he had “literally fought his way through” and left his “youthful sins” behind.

That certainly did not age well.

As we have noted, recent German government statistics show that 41 percent of all crime suspects are foreigners, despite them making up a much smaller percentage of the population.

Violent crimes, especially knife attacks and rapes, have increased exponentially.

As we also highlighted last week, a German politician was found guilty of ‘incitement’ by a district court and fined $6000 after she posted a link to the same government statistics on crimes committed by migrants, specifically rape, and asked why they are so disproportionately high.

A recent survey found that seven in ten citizens of European countries believe there is too much unchecked immigration. Among Germans, the number was 77 percent.

This also dovetails with another stunning poll out of Germany that finds widespread opposition to mass migration across the board.

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Authored by Steve Watson via modernity.news May 19th 2024