President Biden Uses Veterans Day to Run a Political Ad Bashing Trump

president biden uses veterans day to run a political ad bashing trump

President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign used Veterans Day on Saturday to run a political ad bashing his main 2024 competitor and predecessor former President Donald Trump.

“If you don’t respect our troops, you can’t lead them,” Biden’s personal X account posted, along with the ad.

The ad is based on an anonymously-sourced Atlantic article that claimed Trump had disparaged fallen World War II soldiers while visiting a cemetery overseas.

Biden’s post was immediately met by a string of criticism for releasing a political ad on Veterans Day and posts reminding him of moments he showed callousness towards troops.

“You literally called them “stupid bastards,” said one commenter.

“The fact that you make a day remembering vets into a political ad is absolutely disgusting. I can’t wait to see you lose,” said another.

“What a disrespectful way to honor Veteran’s Day. Spewing lies and rhetoric. I would expect nothing less from the worst president and cic in our history. Regardless of your weakness and gross disrespect: We are the shining examples of true American Spirit,” added another.

Another account posted the time Biden looked at his watch as he waited for the bodies of fallen service members to return home from Afghanistan after being killed in the president’s bungled withdrawal.

Earlier in the day, Biden had gone to a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery where he appeared confused and had to be guided back to his place by a member of the Honor Guard.

GET IT TOGETHER, JOE! Biden Appears Confused During Veterans Day Ceremony


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Authored by Kristina Wong via Breitbart November 12th 2023