Pro-Palestinian Protesters Launch Sit-in at Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s Chicago Area Office

pro palestinian protesters launch sit in at democrat rep jan schakowskys chicago area office
Chicago Tribune/Getty Images

Pro-Palestinian protesters staged a sit-in at Illinois Democrat Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky’s office in the northern Chicago suburb of Skokie on Thursday.

The protesters demanded that Schakowsky sign a petition sponsored by far-left “Squad” member Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) calling for an end to Israel’s actions against Hamas, according to ABC 7 News.

Police officers reportedly detained seven of the 25 protesters and charged them with Criminal Trespass.

Officials notified the protesters that the office staff closed the facility at 5:00 p.m., but by 5:30 p.m., the protesters were still in the office. The arrests were made by 5:42 p.m. after several orders to disperse were issued.

The seven who were arrested were booked and released, the Skokie Police Department said. They are next due in court on December 5.

Schakowsky, who is Jewish, is in Washington D.C., attending the current session of Congress.

However, she said she spoke to the protesters by phone.

Schakowsky claimed in a statement:

Last Friday, I led 55 of my colleagues in a letter to President Biden and Secretary Antony Blinken urging the US to ensure that innocent civilians in Gaza are protected from violence and attacks. That includes following international law, delivering food and water to Gaza, providing safe passage, humanitarian assistance, and ensuring the safe return of hostages.

“We must guarantee that all civilians, Palestinians, and Israelis are protected. I am doing everything in my power to end the violence as quickly as possible,” the Rep. added. “We cannot achieve lasting peace and security for Israelis without addressing the humanitarian crises in Gaza and the West Bank and ending the occupation.”

Chicago’s chapter of Black Lives Matter also jumped to the support of the pro-terror protesters and urged supporters to flood the Skokie Police Department with calls to have the arrested protesters released.

Hatem Abudayyeh, the chair of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network, said the protestors targeted Schakowsky because she is the vice president of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and because of her “unbreakable” support for Israel. Abudayyeh also criticized Schakowsky over her “absolute” support for Israel, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Abudayyeh added that Schakowsky’s support for Israel works against her claim of being a “progressive.” He also said that during the phone call between the congresswoman and the protesters, he asked her, “If Israel has a right to defend itself, why don’t Palestinians have the right to defend themselves?”

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Abudayyeh also pushed the incendiary accusation that Schakowsky has the blood of dead Palestinian children on her hands, adding, “It was her statements about how the, you know, the Palestinians are the enemy and the Palestinians are uncivilized.”

The Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression and Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation also participated in the sit-in, Abudayyeh told the media.

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Authored by Warner Todd Huston via Breitbart October 20th 2023