Same-sex gay and lesbian people are just subtypes of transgenderism, according to GLAAD, a pro-transgender group that formerly pushed for civic acceptance of homosexuality.
The push to convert homosexuality into transgenderism threatens the political and civic status of the gay and lesbian communities — and also widens the growing splits within the overall population of sexual minorities that mostly vote for the Democratic Party.
The subordination of gays and lesbians to the very different — but far more aggressive — transgender movement is urged in the “11th Edition” of language instructions for journalists promoted by the Hollywood-backed and funded GLAAD advocacy group.
WATCH — Trans Assault! Transgender Activist Attacks Pro-Lifers:
Savanna Deretich, Students for Life Action/LOCAL NEWS X /TMXThe subordination is made by simultaneously tainting the “gay” and “lesbian” terms as potentially racist, and by offering replacement terms. But those replacement terms are built on the transgenderism claim that people’s sense of their inner “gender” is more important than their male or female biological sex.
The taint is delivered by GLAAD’s endorsement of a new term for gay and lesbian homosexuality, “Same-Gender Loving”:
Also known as SGL, this is a term used by some African American people as an Afrocentric alternative to what are considered Eurocentric, or white, identities like gay and lesbian. Coined by activist Cleo Manago in the 1990s, the term and its usage explicitly recognizes the histories and cultures of people of African descent.
After hinting that “gay” and “lesbian” are a racist imposition on some Africans, GLAAD then offers two new transgender-like terms to replace them.
GLAAD’s new term for gay is:
An adjective used to describe a person who is primarily sexually, aesthetically, and/or romantically attracted to masculinity.
GLAAD’s new term for lesbian is:
An adjective used to describe a person who is primarily sexually, aesthetically, and/or romantically attracted to femininity.
But those two terms make no mention of “same-sex attraction” or male and female bodies.
Instead, GLAAD’s new term for “gay” talks about people who are sexually attracted to “masculinity” — regardless of male or female bodies.
Similarly, GLAAD’s term for “lesbian” describes people who are sexually attracted to “femininity” — not women and their female bodies.
This definitional shift removes same-sex attraction from definitions of “gay” and “lesbian.”
So this switch to “femininity” helps “transgender” men declare themselves to be valid women — and lesbians — by simply wearing clothes and cosmetics that mimic opposite-sex stereotypes.
Amazingly bad decision on their part. I'm an L and will stay an L as part of the LGB community. It has nothing to do with being white. This is madness. Imho.
— Tzus Behaving Badly 🐾🐾🍀🌹 (@lovedamitten) March 17, 2024
Research shows that very few male “transgender women” undergo genital surgery and that most remain heterosexual — although with an intense sexual desire to be viewed as women. That desire is described as autogynephilia, or “AGP.”
GLAAD Hates Gays and Lesbians https://t.co/zZ991i2HBt
— Gay Not Queer 🏳️🌈 (@GNQ__) March 17, 2024
So GLAAD’s language guide explicitly says journalists should treat a man as a lesbian if he claims to be transgender and is seeking sex with women:
For example, a transgender woman [a man pretending to be a woman – added] who is attracted exclusively to women would typically describe herself [himself — added] a lesbian; if she were exclusively attracted to men, she would likely describe herself a straight woman [added – a gay man].
Lesbians don't want any of this. We want real women. pic.twitter.com/RFxrcia8Wt
— Heidi (@HeidiBriones) March 11, 2024
The guide also says journalists should treat normal heterosexual people as a subcategory of transgenderism by labeling them as “cisgender.” The word was invented to label normal people who accept the reality of their biological sex.
GLAAD’s instructions prompted much criticism on Twitter.
“@glaad, you’re traitors to gays and lesbians, you no longer represent them,” said a post from “Grzegorz Kapelak.”
“stop using gays as hostages to push gender ideology,” said “just guest.”
“Drunked Octopus” tweeted, “Wow. GLAAD are actively erasing same sex attraction as a concept. They are erasing LGB. This is homophobia.”
GLAAD’s language is important because most establishment journalists comply with GLAAD’s demand that a person’s male-or-female sex is trumped by their claims about their unverifiable inner feeling of their male-or-female “gender.”
GLAAD is also influential in Hollywood and is pushing producers to highlight transgender characters even though they are rare, unattractive, and unpopular. In January, GLAAD’s top executive told the industry’s Variety magazine:
What we don’t have yet is a watershed moment [in Hollywood] for the trans community. I see this opportunity as a chance to speak to the academy and all the creators in the room to say that we need that moment. We need you to create and write about trans people because there were over 500 anti-LGBTQ bills proposed this past year and most are against trans people and our trans youth.
The risk of promoting transgenderism was spotlighted by Budweiser’s disastrous marketing deal with Dylan Mulvaney, a homosexual man who routinely portrays himself as a giddy young woman:
The attempted switch from “same sex” to “gender” is a political and civic problem for gays and lesbians.
Transgenderism is becoming increasingly unpopular as the public recognizes how it wants to eliminate the civic border between the two equal, different, and complementary sexes.
That aggressive transgender campaign allows invasive men to push women — including lesbians — off of prize podiums, to silence women when men enter their bathrooms and showers, and to force women to submit to male desires, for example, to validate men’s sexual desires with the award of female pronouns.
GLAAD’s language instructions serve the same aggressive role by validating aggressive men in dresses who want to appropriate the conditional legal and civic acceptance given to the distinctive population of same-sex-attracted gays and lesbians.
Democrats, including Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), are also using “transgender kids” to boost 2024 turnout by Democrats. Their pitch targets comfortable voters who desire to display their public empathy toward favored minorities — despite growing evidence that transgenderism inflicts massive harm on vulnerable teenagers.
WATCH — Gavin Newsom Laughs at Parents’ Concerns About Transgender Notification Policy:
Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart NewsGLAAD’s move to convert same-sex relationships into a form of transgenderism also taints the legal recognition given to gays and lesbians by the U.S. Supreme Court, and also the conditional approval given by large swathes of the public in the 2010s.
Polling suggests that the “transgender” damage to gay status is happening. NBC News reported March 12:
After steadily increasing over the last decade, support for same-sex marriage dipped to 67% in 2023 from a record high of 69% the year before, according to the survey of more than 22,000 U.S. adults, which was conducted by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute, or PRRI, and reported a margin of sampling error of 0.82%. More than three-quarters of those surveyed (76%) favored laws that protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in housing, employment and public accommodation, a decline from a record high of 80% in 2022.
This transgender attack on gay status has been underway for many years. For example, GLAAD was created in 1985 as the “Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation” but has since renamed itself as “GLAAD.”
GLAAD hates homosexuals
— Gay Not Queer 🏳️🌈 (@GNQ__) March 17, 2024
Also, GLAAD’s current definition of lesbians does not mention same-sex attraction, so validating claims by men who declare themselves to be “transgender women.” The group defines a lesbian as “a woman whose enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction is to other women. ”
More broadly, the gay “rainbow flag” is being replaced by the “progress pride” flag which symbolically subordinates gay and lesbian identities to transgenderism.
It's a cult pic.twitter.com/ARh3BnlNco
— Olya (@OlyaKarLott) March 18, 2024
They clearly have not seen anything of Maplethorpe's late work.
— Sorcerer's Apprentice (@sorceress1963) March 17, 2024