Many thanks to Decensored News for this video of my questioning State Department spokesperson Tammy Bruce yesterday, transcript below. Also just posted on X.
MUST SEE: Journalist @samhusseini presses US State Dept spokesperson Tammy Bruce about Israeli nukes, noting that JFK was pushing for inspections just before he was assassinated.
— Decensored News (@decensorednews) March 25, 2025
“Every president since has adopted Israel’s policy of refusing to acknowledge the existence of…
This leads to many questions including: Was JFK killed, at least in part, over Israel’s nukes? If so, is the US government’s refusal to acknowledge Israel’s nuclear weapons effectively a continuation of the assassination plot?
Is Trump about America First? Or Israel First?
Doesn’t the pattern of imperial Israel getting its way regarding US government policy give additional evidence to the Israel aspect of the Kennedy assassinations?
See relevant pieces below.
BRUCE: And in the back, did I hear JFK? Because, interestingly, no one – we haven’t brought that up yet, so let’s give that a try here.
HUSSEINI: Here? Thank you.
BRUCE: Who was – who was – yeah.
BRUCE: JFK – so who keeps saying JFK?
HUSSEINI: Excellent, thank you.
BRUCE: In the back? All right, let’s do it.
HUSSEINI: JFK assassination’s obviously back in the news, and Jefferson Morley of JFK Facts was on Bill O’Reilly’s show analyzing some of the documents the Trump Administration has released. One of the revelations that he discussed was the fact that James Angleton, the CIA counterintelligence chief, had relied on Israelis as part of his intelligence-gathering operations, which included monitoring Oswald prior to the assassination.
As you may be aware, JFK in the summer of 1963 was deeply concerned with Israel acquiring nuclear weapons. He had sent a series of letters to Ben Gurion, Israel’s founding prime minister, demanding that Israel allow inspectors. Ben Gurion resigned just when he was pressed on the issue by JFK. [JFK actually wrote the US’s “commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized.”]
BRUCE: All right, here – I’ve got something I can say to this. Do you want me to – do you want me to say something?
HUSSEINI: Yeah, yeah, I do – I do. I do. I’ve got a question for you.
BRUCE: All right.
HUSSEINI: Israel continued stalling inspections --
BRUCE: All right.
HUSSEINI: -- and JFK was, of course, assassinated in November. Every president since has adopted Israel’s policy of refusing to acknowledge the existence of Israel’s nuclear arsenal. My question to you is: Will this administration finally do so?
BRUCE: Boy, that was – we went from JFK from – and then to now Israel’s nuclear arsenal.
HUSSEINI: Will you acknowledge Israel has nuclear weapons? [I wish I said “So you acknowledge that Israel has a nuclear weapons arsenal?”]
BRUCE: No, I – I understand. I understand. What I – here’s what I will tell you about the JFK files, is --
HUSSEINI: I’m not asking about the JFK files.
BRUCE: There’s about 80 – excuse me, sir, I --
BRUCE: Thank you. About 80,000 pages of unredacted records related to the Kennedy assassination are currently being released – and I think they’ve finished at this point – by order of President Trump. We know that also, as I’ve been asked before, if there was any other material anywhere, this is it. This is all the material. It’s out and, again, unredacted. And so that’s good news. For my generation this is also good news. Certainly as you grow up with that kind of a dynamic that happened in this country, and now of course we’re happily – we happily can say that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is contributing to the nature of our nation and making a difference as well.
As far as the speculation and conspiracy theories about what was happening regarding that assassination and in the decades that followed, I have no comment for you, and nor am I going to speculate or comment on that.
HUSSEINI: So you will not acknowledge that Israel has nuclear weapons?
BRUCE: But I appreciate you being here and asking in that regard.
At the end, yes, sir, go ahead, please. Thank you.
HUSSEINI: No straight talk on Israel?
QUESTION: Thank you so much. On Bangladesh.
HUSSEINI: America First?!
BRUCE: Please – please. Let’s keep going. You’re --
Relevant pieces —
- The Ostrich Caucus
- Israel and the Kennedy Assassinations
- Is Israel the Deep State?
- State Dept: Israel in Charge of When We'll Enforce US Bans on Foreign Aid Over Its Nuclear Weapons Program
Read the rest here...