Ron Johnson: ‘McConnell Is Completely Out of Step with Our Conference’

Wednesday, during an appearance on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) defended his colleague Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-AL) stance against the Department of Defense’s post-Dobbs decision abortion policy.

Johnson said Tuberville had backing within the Senate Republican conference despite pushback against Tuberville from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who he called “out of step.”

“I know this will shock you and your audience, but Democrats are being complete hypocrites on this. If they really wanted a comment for the Marines, they would just call up the nomination for a vote, first to close your vote, and then two hours later, vote to confirm the nomination,” she said. “It takes literally no more than four hours, but generally, two if you do it as a comeback vote. And, you know, I think Leader McConnell is completely out of step with our conference. I just feel a great deal of support for Senator Tuberville within our conference, as well as among our base. I mean, we are the party of life. We’re also the party that upholds the rule of law.”

“And the simplest solution here is just have the administration follow the law, have the Department of Defense not facilitate or, you know, spend taxpayer money facilitating abortions,” Johnson continued. “It’s just that simple. But if they won’t do that, all they have to do, if they want a general, they want one of these promotions, just bring the nomination up for a vote. Four hours later, that individual is going to be confirmed.

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Authored by Jeff Poor via Breitbart September 13th 2023