Ron Johnson: ‘There Is No Strategy for Ukraine to Win Because It Can’t Win’

Tuesday, during an appearance on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) rejected comments from his Democrat colleagues that Ukraine will win its war against its Russian invaders.

Johnson called Biden’s push for a Ukrainian victory a “fool’s errand.”

INGRAHAM: Is this eighth grade? Let’s start with them not losing. What are the American people gaining here?

SEN. RON JOHNSON (R-WI): Well, first of all, there is no strategy for Ukraine to win because it can’t win. The only way they could win is they’d have to start lobbing missiles into Moscow to reduce Russia’s support for the war. They can’t do that.

INGRAHAM: The Pentagon knows this, though, right?


INGRAHAM: The Pentagon knows that they have lost the war already?

JOHNSON: This is 22 months, they tried — some are offensive, it didn’t work. This is a bloody stalemate. Every day that goes by, more Ukrainians die, more Russian conscripts die, take no joy in that, more Ukraine gets destroyed. So this war should be brought to an end, the sooner the better because every day the outcome ends up being worse. It’s going to have to be a negotiated settlement and from a standpoint of, you know, what America wants, we want a secure border. And that’s what —

INGRAHAM: But that’s a separate thing. I mean, of course we want a secured border. This whole idea of tying them together, that was a fool’s errand from the beginning. Tying our border to Ukraine, what we do to Ukraine, makes the zero sense?

JOHNSON: The way that President Biden wanted to do, he just wanted more money to more efficiently encounter process and disperse.

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Authored by Jeff Poor via Breitbart December 12th 2023