Rove: Polling Shows Americans Believe Biden, Trump Too Old for Presidency

During an appearance on this week’s broadcast of “Sunday Night in America” on Fox News Channel, former Bush adviser Karl Rove said polling showed Americans believe President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump were too old to be president.

“Are there GOP presidential hopefuls who would fare better against Joe Biden and the former president?” FNC host Trey Gowdy asked.

“Oh, absolutely,” Rove replied. “The polls show, for example, that one poll had Donald Trump up over Biden by two. I think Nikki — Ron DeSantis was up by four, Nikki Haley by eight, and a generic Republican was up by 16 in one poll. So yes, absolutely. I’ve long thought that the party that figures out a new and different face than Biden or Trump is the party that’s going to have the advantage in 2024.”

“The American people don’t want to have a contest between, you know, a 78-year-old and an 82-year-old who we already had one contest four years ago between them,” he continued. “They want to pass the torch, if you will, to a younger generation of leaders, and that is why the American people believe both men are too old to be president — Donald Trump by a majority and Joe Biden by, you know, nearly three-quarters of the American voters. So yes, absolutely, this is going to be an interesting contest. It will be more interesting if somebody new enters the fray as the nominee of either party.”

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Authored by Jeff Poor via Breitbart November 26th 2023