Scarborough: The Republican Party ‘Has to Make Sh-t up’ About Biden

[WARNING: Adult Language]

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said Tuesday on his show “Morning Joe” that the “Republican Party has to make shit up” about President Joe Biden.

Scarborough said, “The Washington Post and everybody would be doing exactly what they were saying. But for Biden, Biden goes to D-Day — and we’re going to talk about this in a little bit, The Washington Post just posted a story this morning — he does a fantastic job, and they actually use cheap fakes where they’re trying to make it look, ‘Oh, he’s trying to sit down.’ And ‘Oh my god, a chair that’s not there’ Everybody on the stage was because Lloyd Austin wasn’t done with his speech yet. There were about three or four different things where the Republican Party is lying. So they have to make that up, which is a lot like the Wall Street Journal story, where they knew they were lying to their readers. They knew that Kevin McCarthy, what he was telling the Wall Street Journal was a lie.”

He added, “So with Biden, the Republican Party has to make shit up. And I’m sorry, I can’t think of a better way to say that, to try to make Biden look old and demented. Trump, he does it every day. He’s out on the campaign trail and people just laugh. ‘Well, yeah. He’s crazy. Wow, look at that. Can you believe he’s so stupid that he’s talking about this? And he melts down when his teleprompter, goes down? That’s funny.’ And that’s the political world we’re living in in 2024.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart June 11th 2024