Scarborough: Trump Supporters Skeptical of 2020 Election ‘Deliberately Choose Lies’

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said Monday on “Morning Joe” that former President Donald Trump’s supporters “deliberately choose lies” by believing the 2020 election had problems.

Scarborough said, “You know, Donald Trump’s own staff members watched in 2020, and do you know what they said? The persons who are in charge of actually watching the election, that Donald Trump put in charge Chris Krebs said it was the cleanest, fairest election on record.”

He continued, “People go, I don’t know what to believe because Donald Trump says this, but then I turn on this cable news channel that’s lying for 24 hours a day on the right, and they tell me what he’s saying is the truth. Really? You know what the truth is, and you deliberately choose lies. You know where the light is, and you deliberately choose the darkness. You do it deliberately because you know and I know, 63 federal judges said there was no evidence of any fraudulent behavior, any widespread voter fraud in 2020. The United States Supreme Court, time and again, refused to listen to these because there was nothing there. The one time they did in a Pennsylvania case, the most conservative justices said even if we responded to this case, it wouldn’t change the outcome of the election. You had Republican officials in Michigan, Republican officials in Pennsylvania, Republican officials in Georgia, Republican officials in Arizona repeatedly say that their elections were fair, and yet the lies continue.”

Scarborough added, “Now, am I saying this because I think Donald Trump’s ever going to change his tactics? No, he knows he’s lying. He admitted last week he was lying. He said he lost by a smidge, whatever he said. No, I’m saying this for the people that actually continue to spread his lies and know differently.”

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via September 9th 2024