Scarborough: Trump’s Rhetoric Mirrors ‘Mussolini and Other Fascists from the Past’


MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said Monday on his show “Morning Joe” that former President Donald Trump was using rhetoric that was the same as “Mussolini and other fascists from the past.”

During a weekend rally, Trump said, “In honor of our great Veterans on Veterans Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the communists, marxists, fascists, and radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. That lie, steal, and cheat on elections.”

Scarborough said, “I think he should probably give some pay some royalties to Mussolini’s family trust because when he starts talking about rooting out communists, Marxists, radical left, vermin, destroying the country, it is it in the letter he’s lifting it from Mussolini and other fascists from the past.”

MSNBC contributor and presidential historian Jon Meacham said, “And from the Third Reich. And we’re using the 1930s as an example of anything is a fraught enterprise.”

Scarborough said, “It used to be. I think we can, at this point, bear with what he has shown us. Well, it’s not so fraught anymore when you have a guy that, again, praising violence. Praising violence against Paul Pelosi, praising dictators Xi, Kim Jong Un. In this case, he praises a guy who despises Western democracy Orbán. I think we can talk about the 1930s now.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart November 12th 2023