Sheriff Sounds Alarm on Gangs of Illegal Aliens Getting into U.S. through Border to Burglarize Americans

sheriff sounds alarm on gangs of illegal aliens getting into us through border to burglarize americans

A sheriff in Michigan is sounding the alarm over a rise in gangs of illegal aliens getting into the United States for the sole purpose of burglarizing Americans.

Oakland County, Michigan Sheriff Michael Bouchard, as well as other law enforcement agencies across the U.S., is warning that illegal aliens from the southern border are burglarizing members of their communities at an increasing rate.

“These are transnational gangs that are involved in this that come from South America, looking to do burglaries and violate our communities, not just in Oakland County but across America,” Bouchard said.

In particular, Bouchard said the gangs of illegal aliens “are going after jewelry, high-end purses and watches, currency and safes.”

“They sell these things for 20 to 30 cents on the dollar to fences, who then re-sell this in a variety of ways. They typically hit homes from 5 to 9 p.m., they seem to want houses where nobody’s home and they usually come in through windows in the back,” he continued.

Deep blue states, Bouchard said, that have eliminated bail for criminal suspects have made the matter even worse.

“They typically establish a residence near locations they wish to target. They do a lot of surveillance, we believe, before they commit a crime, Bouchard said:

Usually, it’s two or three people working together, with one of them stationed outside as a driver … around the country, in some situations, they’ve been caught in areas with no bail anymore, and they get out and then get arrested again. The prosecutor in one case I happen to know about, in Nassau County, New York, said they actually laughed at her as they walked out of court. [Emphasis added]

For years, Breitbart News has chronicled the rise in illegal alien gangs that are arriving in the U.S. only to burglarize Americans.

In January 2022, the Washington Post detailed how a number of foreign nationals from South America arriving through the Visa Waiver Program were found to be targeting wealthy Asian Americans in the suburbs of Washington, DC.

A few months later, in Ventura County, California, local law enforcement warned that foreign nationals from Chile were arriving on B-2 tourist visas only to rob Americans in their homes. In 2021, alone, the county documented about 100 cases.

In October 2022, a group of illegal aliens from South America who had been released into the U.S. interior by President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) were arrested for allegedly burglarizing wealthy New Yorkers of Indian descent in Long Island.

Likewise, just this year, two illegal aliens in Gulf Shores, Alabama, were arrested for allegedly burglarizing a jewelry store. Both men are linked to a theft ring out of South America.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Follow him on Twitter here

Authored by John Binder via Breitbart October 3rd 2023