Slotkin: Ronald Reagan ‘Rolling Over in His Grave’ Because GOP ‘on Team Putin’

Representative Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) said Friday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that former President Ronald Reagan is “rolling over in his grave” because many Republicans are on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “team.”

Slotkin said, “It is insane it is how many people we have in the Republican Party who are on team Putin.”

Slotkin said, “I think, you know, in the era of Trump, there’s just a lot of people who are looking for that autocratic leadership, and Trump leads in a way that is, you know, kind of my way or the highway. He’s being very clear about what he’s going to do if he wins again. He says, I’m going to basically run as a dictator. He’s telling us what he’s going to do, and therefore there’s sort of a style that appeals to some people in that Putin leadership as well.”

She added, “I don’t totally understand it. I’m glad Ronald Reagan isn’t here to see this party. He’s probably rolling over in his grave. I mean, peace through strength is his thing, right? So it completely contravenes what I think of the principles of the Republican Party, but I think also it just- it means you’re not thinking more than 2 inches down the road. You’re thinking about your re-election. You’re thinking about making sure you don’t get a primary. You’re not thinking about the strategic security of the United States, and that is what just gets under my skin.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart February 16th 2024