SNEAK PEEK: Here’s What’s Inside the Two-Year ‘Controligarchs’ Investigation

sneak peek heres whats inside the two year controligarchs investigation

The following content is sponsored by the Government Accountability Institute (GAI).

GAI Director of Research Seamus Bruner’s new book, Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life, contains tomorrow’s headlines, including news about Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum’s secret blueprint to control every aspect of your life. Many of the details about these plans have been scrubbed from the internet.

sneak peek heres whats inside the two year controligarchs investigation

Just last Thursday, Bill Gates and the United Nations (UN) unveiled a five-year plan to roll out digital ID systems in fifty countries. Also last Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta announced it struck a deal with China’s Tencent to make virtual reality headsets more accessible. And the Atlantic Council declared last week that the “momentum” behind central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) remains strong heading into 2024. This comes on the heels of last Tuesday’s victory for the abortion lobby and the Controligarchs who profit from dwindling birth rates.

Yesterday, the Washington Post announced that the world’s largest edible insect farm can produce 15,000 metric tons of protein made from fly larvae. A much larger facility capable of producing 100,000 metric tons of mealworms per year will open in December.

Controligarchs reveals what all this means for you and your family and how you can fight back against the dystopian future the globalist elites have planned.

Author Seamus Bruner has been Peter Schweizer’s top researcher for over a decade and led the team whose findings sparked multiple FBI investigations and congressional probes into the Clintons and the Bidens.

Now, Schweizer and his team have uncovered corruption on the grandest scale possible and packed these brand-new revelations into Bruner’s page-turning bombshell which proves that political figureheads like the Bidens and the Clintons are mere puppets of the tech-savvy oligarchs who want to control everything.

The book’s findings, which Schweizer says are “Haunting” and “MASSIVE,” are already rocking official Washington, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Hollywood, and the secretive Swiss enclave known to World Economic Forum (WEF) insiders simply as “Davos”—and it officially hits bookstores across the country tomorrow.

Here’s a quick recap of what’s currently known about what Controligarchs contains:

  • Brand-new revelations about Bill Gates’s $11.7 billion food takeover scheme… and the real reason he’s snapping up America’s farmland (pgs. 121-149)
  • Never-before-reported finding that Great Reset architect Klaus Schwab and his top 25 WEF members are now worth more than $10 trillion—that’s more economic power than most world governments—and how these global oligarchs are seizing control over our future (pgs. 61-89)
  • Mark Zuckerberg’s $36 billion plot to reengineer society and use A.I. to force you (and your children) into tech addiction on steroids (pgs. 219-242)
  • Jeff Bezos’s taxpayer-funded electric vehicle ambitions, climate hypocrisy, and the $1.2 billion plan to spy on you by overseeing your “smart” home (pgs. 91-120)
  • How firms like BlackRock are plotting a money heist by working hand in glove with central banks around the world to “de-bank” their opposition (i.e. you) by seizing control of your currency and “digitalizing” it via CBDCs… all while tracking your every move (pgs. 173-190)
  • The Soros family’s ambitions to use their $25 billion empire to influence elections and society in 2024 and for the next 50 years (pgs. 151-171)
  • Exactly what these America-last globalist elites are planning for the next five years, including how they are:
    • Preparing for “the next pandemic”: The Controligarchs want to reinstate their lockdowns, create a fresh wave of small-business closures, and consolidate ownership of everything into fewer and fewer hands (pgs. 32-38)
    • Funding the radical left’s rise: A coalition of billionaires and bureaucrats have created an unholy alliance by co-opting leftist politicians and mobilizing grassroots activists (pgs. 243-263)
    • Profiting from abortion and abortifacient drugs: Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffett, the Rockefeller, and other billionaires are secretly profiting from birth control pharmaceuticals like the abortion-inducing pill mifepristone (developed by the Rockefeller Foundation), which the U.S. Supreme Court is set to review this Fall (pgs. 18-24)

And that’s just the beginning, because there is so much more about to break from this book, which contains 1,032 endnotes of hard, documented evidence and zero unnamed sources.

Best of all, the book gives you the facts and ammunition you need to fight back against the forces that are shredding the Constitution to attack you and your family, your schools, your health, your food supply, and your bank account.

If you haven’t already you’ll be seeing and hearing a lot about Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life, because like all of Bruner’s and Schweizer’s investigative blockbusters, including the ones that sparked FBI and Congressional probes, this book contains tomorrow’s headlines.

Authored by Government Accountability Institute (Sponsored) via Breitbart November 12th 2023