‘Soon You Will Know Who I am,’ Says African Migrant After Crossing Border into U.S.

An African migrant tells a journalist, "Soon you're gonna know who I am." (1stResponderMedia X Video Screenshot)
1stResponderMedia X Video Screenshot

A man believed to be an African migrant from Morocco made an ominous threat after crossing the Mexican border into Arizona. “You will find out who I am very soon,” he told an independent journalist.

1stResponderMedia posted a video on X showing an interview with a group of migrants who illegally crossed the border 12 miles east of Sasabe, Arizona, over the weekend. At least one of the migrants in the small group identified himself as an African migrant from Morocco.

A second male migrant traveling in the same group responded to a question about his country of origin with an ominous message.

“If you are smart enough, you will know who I am,” the migrant began. “But you are really not smart enough to know who I am.”

“But soon,” he continued, “You’re gonna know who I am.”

The migrant then walked away.


A spokesman for 1stResponderMedia told Breitbart Texas that Border Patrol agents picked up the man and transported him to a processing center. What happened to him after that is not known.

The CBP Nationwide Encounters Report shows Tucson Sector agents apprehended nearly 120,000 migrants in the first two months of FY24. Unofficial Border Patrol reports reviewed by Breitbart Texas reveal that Tucson Sector agents apprehended another 80,000 migrants in December and nearly 35,000 more in the first three reporting periods of January, Breitbart Texas reported.

The January numbers bring the FY24 year-t0-date total to approximately 235,000 migrants.

Bob Price is the Breitbart Texas-Border team’s associate editor and senior news contributor. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday morning talk show. He also serves as president of Blue Wonder Gun Care ProductsFollow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Apprehension numbers for December and January come from unofficial Border Patrol reports reviewed by Breitbart Texas. The numbers are subject to change in official reports when they are released. The December Southwest Land Border Encounters report is due to be released by mid-January. January apprehension reports will be released in mid-February.

Authored by Bob Price via Breitbart January 22nd 2024