‘Squad’ Dem. Rashida Tlaib Ripped Over Attending Event Celebrating Palestinian Terror, Israel’s Demise

squad dem rashida tlaib ripped over attending event celebrating palestinian terror israels demise
Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images

Michigan congresswoman and far-left “Squad” member Rashida Tlaib is facing backlash after attending an event celebrating Palestinian terror, glorifying “martyrs,” and calling for the destruction of the Jewish state.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), a third-term member of Congress long accused of anti-American and anti-Israel rhetoric, participated in a controversial Palestinian art show in Detroit, the Arab American News reported.

The May show, organized by the pro-Palestinian Handala Coalition, featured several works bearing the slogan, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Implying that “Palestine” rests between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea — where Israel currently exists — the statement is code for eradicating the Jewish state and its millions of Jewish citizens.

Another display depicts a Palestinian woman who appears to be carrying a gun, alongside the phrase, “Power To Our Freedom Fighters, Glory To Our Martyrs” — apparently in reference to the Palestinian terrorists who take the lives of Israeli civilians of all ages. 

In addition, one work dedicated to commemorate Khader Adnan, who served as spokesman for the terrorist Palestinian Islamic Jihad, was also featured on display; while another is dedicated to Rasmea Odeh, who was once convicted for involvement in a terrorist bombing in Jerusalem.

Tlaib was seen smiling and posing for photographs with other attendees.

The Handala Coalition’s social media page also features anti-police messaging, including one post depicting an officer as a pig.

In response, many expressed outrage over the congresswoman’s move.

Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called Tlaib’s appearance “disgraceful.” 

“[A]nd yet Democrats still defend Rashida Tlaib,” she wrote. “Republicans stand with our ally Israel!”

“Don’t expect House Dems to condemn, but rabid Antisemite Rashida Tlaib attended and spoke at a pro-terror art show,” wrote National Republican Congressional Committee press secretary Will Reinert.

“The art in question? It supports the destruction of Israel, praises Palestinian terrorists & demonizes cops,” he added.

“Here is Democrat Rashida Tlaib — a rabid antisemite — gleefully posing in front of an ‘apartheid wall’ at an anti-Israel art show,” wrote the Republican National Committee (RNC) research team.

Philanthropist Adam Milstein accused Tlaib of being unable to “help herself from associating with terror supporters.”

“At every turn, Rashida shows us her true colors,” charged CASEPAC executive director Bryan E. Leib.

Tlaib is “at it again,” according to the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC), “this time attending an art show with work on display calling for Israel’s destruction and promoting known and suspected terrorists.”

“Where is House Democratic Leader @hakeemjeffries to hold her accountable?” the group asked.

The RJC also called out the House Democratic leadership for refusing to “hold her accountable.”

“Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) recently attended an art show with work on display calling for Israel’s destruction and promoting known and suspected terrorists,” wrote KTTH’s Jason Rantz, host of the Jason Rantz Show.

“This makes sense since she’s a virulent anti-Semite protected by the Democrat party,” he added.

Tlaib, who has expressed antisemitic views and has been barred from Israel due to her support for the “boycott, divestment, sanctions” (BDS) movement, often finds ways of bringing Israel and the Palestinians into matters, even when only discussing local issues.

In May, Tlaib faced backlash after it was revealed she would host a congressional event to mark the Palestinian “Nakba” (Catastrophe) — a term used by Palestinians to refer to the creation of the Jewish state.

Last year, former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon accused the progressive “Squad” member of espousing “pure hate” and “antisemitism.”

The “Squad” has a history of antisemitic charges and has been accused of repeated attacks on Israel while ignoring the plight of Palestinians at the hands of Hamas or Afghans under Taliban control.

Previously, Tlaib’s campaign was reported to have paid $170,000 to an “anti-Israel activist” who has called for “defunding the police” on multiple occasions.

After her participation in an anti-Israel conference with purported terrorist ties as well as having retweeted a slogan calling for the elimination of the Jewish State, Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) urged his colleagues “across the aisle” to join him in calling for Tlaib’s immediate removal from all congressional committees.

The radical “Squad” member has long supported emptying out all federal prisons and has scolded President Joe Biden for not enacting Green New Deal-like policies into law while calling for Congress to pass the president’s Build Back Better plan and eliminate the filibuster.

Despite being in the top ten percent of income earners, Tlaib has demanded taxpayers pay off her student loans.

Follow Joshua Klein on Twitter @JoshuaKlein.

Authored by Joshua Klein via Breitbart August 4th 2023