Squad Member AOC Shouted down by Protesters Chanting ‘Close the Border!’

squad member aoc shouted down by protesters chanting close the border
Stefani Reynolds/Bloomberg via Getty Images

“Squad Member” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) struggled to be heard during a Friday press conference in New York City as protesters drowned out her and the other Democrats there to speak in favor of the illegal aliens flooding the Big Apple.

New York Democrats Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Jerry Nadler, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, and a group of other elected officials from states including Illinois, California, and Texas were on hand at the Midtown press conference outside the migrant arrival center in the Roosevelt Hotel to talk about a fact-finding mission they were undertaking to “see for themselves what the migration dynamic is in our nation,” Espaillat explained.

But as the officials were speaking to the press, protesters, angry about what the flood of illegals is doing to New York, consistently drowned out what the congresspeople were trying to say.

“Close the border! Close the border! Respect the constitution, AOC! I am your constituent!” one man was heard saying into a megaphone, Fox News reported.

Some protesters carried signs reading, “Americans first: Vetted & legal migrants only.”

Trying but failing to be heard, AOC ignored the protests and told the media, “What we seek to do is to make sure that all the resources are necessary and that we are joining with the city and state.”

“I think that there are three points of consensus here that are very important in getting a solution to that issue,” AOC continued. “The first is that there is consensus here across geographies and state on increased federal resources to cities and municipalities dealing with this issue.”

She exclaimed:

The second is to allow for work authorizations so that folks in here can get to work and start supporting themselves as soon as possible. They are prevented from getting jobs. They are prevented from employment and that is part of the strain on our public systems. The faster that folks can access the work that they’re asking for, legally, the better we can solve.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) has also been pushing the feds to fast-track work permits for the thousands of illegals washing like a tidal wave over the city.

Adams has met resistance to the idea, though, as critics have suggested that fast-tracking work permits will only serve to reward illegal border crossers and that it will open the door to even more illegals. It is an argument that Adams scoffed at, saying that the floodgates have already been opened, so something needs to be done to alleviate the flow.

In June, Adams noted that illegals are costing New Yorkers about $5 million every day, an expense he says “is not sustainable.” But instead of stopping the inflow, he suggested that the solution is for the federal government to give him more money and to okay an increase in work permits for border crossers.

RELATED — NYC Mayor Eric Adams: Migrant Crisis Will Destroy New York City

After the presser in front of the Roosevelt Hotel, protesters spoke to the press to vent their anger. David Rem, who said he is married to an immigrant from Colombia, said he is disgusted that the illegals being coddled by AOC have jumped the immigration line.

He told the New York Post:

My wife’s children, Diego and Lina, have been waiting seven long years in Medellin, Colombia, to come to this country legally. They have paid all the immigration fees and have been fingerprinted by the FBI. They have done everything right — they have been waiting and they haven’t broken federal law by crossing the border illegally, so why not them?

“You know what’s going to happen, they’re going to say to my kids in a year from now ‘Diego and Lina, sorry but there’s no room for you, the country’s full’. It’s a slap in the face to legal migration,” Rem said while clutching a placard that read, “99% of these illegal aliens asylum petitions are not true asylum petitions.”

Rem concluded by imploring President Joe Biden to close the southern border.

Another citizen, Queens resident D’Anna Morgan, also railed about the growing problem.

“It’s not right these migrants are jumping the line in front of people who have waited years and years to come to America the right way,” Morgan said, adding, “New York City’s going to resemble a third-world country.”

WATCH: Migrants Waiting for Entry to Roosevelt Hotel


The Big Apple has been inundated with more than 110,000 illegals since spring 2022 and has taken to shipping them back out to other communities. But some communities are closing their doors.

On August 12, Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz demanded that Mayor Adams stop bussing illegals from New York City to his northern New York county after two of Adams’ migrants were arrested and accused of rape in Erie County shelters.

In addition, the governor of nearby New Jersey, Democrat Phil Murphy, says his state is closed to shipments of illegals from New York.

Early this month, Murphy said his state does not have the resources to take on New York’s illegals despite the fact that Murphy campaigned for office on a pledge of making New Jersey a “sanctuary state.”

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Authored by Warner Todd Huston via Breitbart September 15th 2023