Stolen Valor Bills Seek Harsher Penalties For Falsified Military Service

PHOENIX—Of all the schemes and scams that U.S. Air Force veteran Bob Dalpe is aware of, stolen valor stands out as one of the most reprehensible.

Stolen valor is defined as when a person falsely claims to have served in the military, pretends to have made sacrifices in combat, and may even wear a fake uniform adorned with counterfeit medals.

stolen valor bills seek harsher penalties for falsified military service
A Purple Heart medal is displayed during a Purple Heart ceremony at George Washington's Mount Vernon in Mount Vernon, Va., on June 9, 2015. Alex Wong/Getty Images

Dalpe said some veterans also misrepresent their rank and service to obtain additional benefits and recognition.

It’s very frustrating to deal with them because you know their integrity is in question,” he said. “It hurts everybody around you. It devalues their service.

Dalpe and other veterans attended a press conference in Phoenix recently for the official unveiling of a bill that would penalize anyone found guilty of stolen valor in Arizona.

The bill applies to anyone who uses stolen valor to gain benefits intended for veterans, falsifies related documents, or falsely claims to be a veteran when running for office or in business transactions.

Arizona’s proposed legislation builds on the federal Stolen Valor Act of 2013, making stealing valor a felony crime while implementing stricter enforcement and penalties, according to Arizona state Rep. Walter Blackman, the bill’s primary sponsor.

“It embodies the values that we hold dear as veterans. We need to send a strong message to people that want to steal our valor,” Blackman, a Republican, said during the conference.

Blackman said stolen valor isn’t a new phenomenon, but its impact runs deep and it diminishes the value of military service.

We’ve had a number of stolen valor cases in this state that caused Arizona upwards to $40 million ... through veterans benefits, contracts, job placement, and so on,” said Blackman.

This is a push to hold those people accountable. If they have to go to jail because of it, they will go to jail,” he said.

Stolen valor is “essentially a lie,” according to the Armed Forces Benefit Association (AFBA).

While it is not technically illegal to make things up to impress friends at a party, the AFBA clarifies that “stolen valor is more complicated than that, which is why it is considered a crime.”

stolen valor bills seek harsher penalties for falsified military service
Arizona Rep. Walter Blackman addresses the media about the bill he's sponsoring that would make faking military service for material gain a crime in the state, in Phoenix on Jan. 15, 2025. Allan Stein/The Epoch Times

Military impersonation is a similar offense, committed willfully and wrongfully, with or without the intent to defraud, the organization states on its website.

Several states already have laws that penalize stolen valor.

For example, the California Stolen Valor Act makes it a misdemeanor for a person to falsely claim to be a veteran or a former member of any branch of the military.

It includes anyone who pretends to be a veteran, whether through verbal statements or written claims, as well as those who wear military decorations to deceive others.

In Florida, soliciting charitable contributions or other benefits while falsely claiming to be a veteran is a felony.

Under the New Jersey Stolen Valor Act, it is a crime for someone to falsely claim they have received a military decoration or medal.

In July 2024, Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-Texas) reintroduced the Valor Earned Not Stolen Act, after the original bill failed in 2021.

The legislation seeks to increase the maximum penalty for stolen valor from one year to three years in prison, aligning it with the penalty for impersonating a public official.

Additionally, the bill requires a study and report by the U.S. attorney general and the Inspector General of Veterans Affairs.

This report will identify any financial or government benefits received due to the falsification of military decorations or medals.

It will also provide recommendations on how to prevent stolen valor in the future.

The recognition and honors our veterans have earned are hallowed and, unfortunately, there have been too many instances of stolen valor resulting in stolen government benefits,” Van Duyne said in a statement.

stolen valor bills seek harsher penalties for falsified military service
A military aide holds the Medal of Honor during a presentation ceremony in the East Room of the White House on July 18, 2016. Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

“The government must ensure all taxpayer money allocated to our veterans is going to those veterans who have earned it.

“Punishments should be stiff for those who defraud the government and disrespect the service of our men and women in uniform.”

Stricter Penalties

The proposed Arizona legislation, known as HB2030, establishes strict measures to deter the impersonation of veterans and combat fraudulent activities, as outlined in the law.

This legislation targets anyone who falsely claims military service or awards to obtain employment, government contracts, or veteran benefits.

It also addresses individuals who use a false veteran status to gain votes, campaign contributions, or political advantages, as well as those who falsify or alter military documents, combat-related badges, or awards.

Penalties for these offenses can range from a Class 4 felony to a Class 2 felony, particularly in cases involving high-value benefits. Furthermore, the bill mandates the removal of any public officials convicted under this law.

Blackman said it is classified as a Class 3 felony if the violation involved a benefit valued between $5,000 and $10,000, and as a Class 2 felony if the benefit was at least $50,000.

“This legislation sends a clear message that Arizona will not tolerate stolen valor in any form,” Blackman said in a statement.

By holding individuals accountable for misrepresenting their military status for personal, political, or financial gain, we uphold the integrity of our veterans’ contributions and the trust of our citizens.”

The federal Stolen Valor Act of 2005 made it a misdemeanor to falsely claim that one has received any military medal or honor.

However, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled the law unconstitutional, as it infringed upon the First Amendment right to free speech.

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Authored by Allan Stein via The Epoch Times January 29th 2025