Sununu: Both Trump, Biden Can Barely Make a Cogent Point, Not Mentally Fit for Presidency

Governor Chris Sununu (R-NH) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that both former Presidsent Donald Trump and President Joe Biden could “barely make a cogent point.”

Kristen Welker said, “Let’s talk about what Nikki Haily is saying and she’s stepped up her rhetoric against former President Trump who seemed at a rally to confuse Nikki Haley with the former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. I want to get your reaction.”

At a campaign rally Trump said, “By the way, they never brought the crowd on January 6. Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, do you know they destroyed all of the information and deleted and destroyed all of it because of lots of things like, Nikki Haley is in charge of security. We offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, National Guard, whatever they want.”

Welker said, “Setting a side that everything he said was factually incorrect.”

Sununu said, “Setting that aside.”

Welker continued, “Nancy Pelosi is not in charge of security at the Capitol and she wasn’t on January 6. Nikki Haley said this is yet another moment that raises more questions about whether Trump is mentally fit to serve. Do you think Donald Trump is mentally fit to serve as president?”

Sununu said, “If Joe Biden or Donald Trump either one get off the teleprompter they can barely make a cogent point.”

Welker said, “Is Trump mentally fit? You’re saying he is not?”

Sununu said, “Not at this moment. The point is you have two 80-year-olds fighting this thing out. That is not what America wants. This is not the Donald Trump, the disruptor of 2016. The guy has lost his fast ball. That’s a great example of it. We always want to go forward in America. We always want that next generation. Neither of these guys represent the next generation.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart January 20th 2024