Survey: Nearly Half of Democrats Concerned About Biden’s Age

survey nearly half of democrats concerned about bidens age

Nearly half of Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents are concerned about President Joe Biden’s age, and most are also concerned that his age, 80, affects his “current level of physical and mental competence,” a recent CNN poll found.

The survey asked Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents to list their “biggest concern, if any, about Joe Biden as a candidate for president in 2024.”

Overall, 49 percent chose the option that listed Biden’s age, asserting he is too old, and adding that Democrats need “someone younger.”

No other concern came close, as seven percent chose his mental competence, seven percent said his health, seven percent said his ability to handle the job, and six percent chose concerns about his popularity.

The survey also asked respondents across the board if they are concerned that Biden’s age “might negatively affect” his level of physical and mental competence, and 73 percent said they are “seriously concerned.” Fifty-six percent of Democrats and Democrat-leaners, specifically, said they are “seriously concerned” that Biden’s age affects his current level of mental and physical competence, and 60 percent are “seriously concerned” his age affects his “ability to win the 2024 election if chosen as the Democratic nominee.”

Another 62 percent of Democrats and Democrat-leaners are “seriously concerned” that his age affects his ability to “serve another full term as president if re-elected.” Another 47 percent of Democrats and Democrat-leaners are worried his age affects his “ability to understand the concerns of the next generation of Americans.”

The survey was taken August 25-31, 2023, among 1,503 respondents. It has a +/- 3.5 percent margin of error.

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The survey coincides with a Redfield & Wilton Strategies poll released in August, which found most Democrats expressing that they are “concerned” about Biden’s age as well.

As Breitbart News reported:

The outlet reports the exclusive polling found while a majority of Biden voters were concerned about the president age, there was even greater division about whether his age should rule him out of seeking a return to high office.

Among the 609 Democrats polled, 21 percent said they were very concerned, 23 percent said they were fairly concerned and 31 percent said they were slightly concerned – a total of 75 percent.

A further 22 percent said they were not at all concerned about Biden’s age affecting his ability to do his job, while three percent responded “don’t know.”

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Biden is not the only politician facing growing concerns over his age, as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), 81, has continued to face scrutiny following two freeze-ups in front of the press.

RELATED: Mitch McConnell Freezes Mid-Speech, Led Away from Podium


However, he has been cleared by doctors and has no immediate plans to step down.

Authored by Hannah Bleau via Breitbart September 10th 2023