‘The Ad Buy Just Got Bigger’: Pro-Trump PAC Doubles Down on Black Community Ads Ripping Biden, Triggering Leftists

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, center, takes a photo wit
AP Photo/Jason Allen

Super PAC MAGA Inc, the main outside group backing former President Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign, is doubling down on ads targeting black voters in key swing states with highly critical attacks on Democrat President Joe Biden, as leftists complain about the ads.

Taylor Budowich, the CEO of MAGA Inc, tweeted on Monday in response to former ESPN host Jemele Hill criticizing the ads, saying that her flippant reaction to them is exactly why they are working — and that the pro-Trump PAC is upping the ad buy for the attacks on Biden in the black community.

Hill tweeted that she was in Detroit, Michigan, during the NFL draft, and heard a number of ads ripping Biden on a top hip-hop and R&B radio station in the city:

She claimed the ads contain inaccurate information, but more importantly her tone seemed worried about the effect they might have on a core part of Biden’s coalition in a swing state such as Michigan.

So, in response, Budowich noted that the pro-Trump team at MAGA Inc will be upping the ad buy, adding more of them.

The actual ads are a brutal attack on Biden from the perspective of a black voter criticizing Biden’s failed policies and hyping Trump’s successes.

“Joe Biden has gone too far,” a narrator says in one of the radio ads:

Biden says the civil rights issue of our time is transgender equality. Really Joe? Men competing against girls and men using girls’ bathrooms is not civil rights. Biden is wrong and confused. Biden’s failed policies have done nothing for us. He’s forgotten our communities. Instead, Biden’s letting Mexican cartels pump drugs and fentanyl into our streets. He’s busing rapists and murderers into our communities. And the crooks in Congress are handing out tax dollars to illegals. Biden promised to help us but his policies are making things worse. But he doesn’t care because he takes our votes for granted. President Trump will protect our daughters’ sports teams and stop the sexualization of our children. Trump will declare war on the cartels and stop the flood of drugs and crime into our communities. President Trump delivered for us, and he’ll do it again.

A second radio ad begins with a woman claiming to be a volunteer for Biden’s reelection campaign interviewing a black voter who says he voted for Biden in 2020 but is turning against him now.

“Everything costs more: food, gas, housing — we’re struggling to pay our bills,” the man says, to which the Biden campaign volunteer woman asks, “What about everything he’s done to protect illegal immigrants?”

“Protect them? Did you see Biden’s paying rent for illegals now? They get handouts and we pay for all of it,” the man replies. “And Biden’s letting Mexican cartels flood our neighborhoods with murderers and drugs.”

The Biden campaign volunteer follows up by saying, “Well, Biden has done a ton to stop transgender discrimination!”

“Transgender discrimination? Stopping men from using girls’ bathrooms isn’t discrimination,” the man replies. “Keeping men out of girls’ sports and out of girls’ locker rooms is just common sense.”

When the woman asks if Biden can count on the man’s vote, he replies, “Not this time. Trump will stop the sexualization of our children and declare war on the cartels. I’m voting for Donald Trump.”

Listen here:

A similar television ad is also airing:

A source familiar with the ad campaign told Breitbart News the ads targeting black voters are running in states including Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

These latest ads come amid a concerted push by Trump to win over black voters and cut into the Democrat coalition. Trump recently visited a Chick-fil-A in Atlanta near Morehouse College and had a powerful moment with several black voters including a woman who said black voters are with him. In response, Biden days later agreed to give the commencement address at Morehouse — the alma mater of Martin Luther King Jr. — in late May, as the Democrat president scrambles to keep up with black voters and counter Trump’s gains in the black community.

But Biden’s efforts might be too little too late. Democrat strategist James Carville, in a profanity-laced rant against young voters leaving Democrats, warned that Trump is picking off key elements of Biden’s 2020 coalition from all sides, including among black voters.

“I’ve been very vocal about this,” Carville said on his podcast. “It’s horrifying our numbers among younger voters, particularly younger blacks, younger Latinos … younger people of color. Particularly males.”

Authored by Matthew Boyle via Breitbart April 30th 2024