The Second Biggest Loser in 2024: Chuck Schumer

WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 6: U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) listens as g
Nathan Howard/Getty Images

The second-biggest loser of the 2024 election is Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who is being demoted from the powerful Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate to the largely powerless Minority Leader.

Schumer’s demotion to the minority status — which is shared by the other 46 Democrats — was smoothed by his support for President Joe Biden’s maximum-migration policy.

That Schumer-backed policy imported roughly nine million southern migrants — ensuring the defeat of Vice President Kamala Harris and the loss of three Democrat-held Senate seats. That three-seat loss created a new 53-seat Republican majority in the Senate, thus forcing Schumer to hand over the gavel and return to minority status.

Moreover, this is the second time Schumer has lost the Majority Leader job because he prefers mass migration above investment in American citizens’ prosperity, productivity, and births.

In 2014, the Democrats lost five Senate seats because President Barack Obama welcomed illegal migrants and pushed for passage of the “Gang of Eight” amnesty and cheap labor bill. Schumer supported the bill, which canceled his expected promotion to Senate Majority Leader in 2015.

By 2022, Schumer had forgotten his 2014 election disaster and was back touting the mass migration directed by Biden’s pro-migration border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas:

The 2024 election was a rerun of the 2014 election, in part, because both disasters were caused by the Democrat party’s increasingly unpopular welcome for millions of migrants.

Democrat senators are blaming the Schumer-backed policy for their fall. “We destroyed ourselves on the immigration issue in ways that were entirely predictable and entirely manageable,” a Democrat senator told the Hill for a November 29 report. “That’s political malpractice. That’s not someone else’s fault. That’s not the groups pushing us around,” the senator added.

For many years, Schumer has favored migrants over American citizens: “We’re nothing if we’re not a Nation of Immigrants,” he told pro-migration business leaders in 2020:

Immigrants [not Americans and their children] built this country with their hands, enriched our culture with their minds and spirit, and provided the spark that drives our economy.

Many of you may not know this; My middle name is Ellis. Guess what? I was named after Uncle Ellis, who was named after Ellis Island, and in keeping with that tradition, our second daughter, we chose her middle name to be Emma for the poet Emma Lazarus, who wrote on this [plaque subsequently added to the] pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, “Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to be free.” So this is in my bones as a New Yorker, as someone whose grandparents immigrated to the country in search of a better life.

However, the elites and major donors in his hometown of New York City have other incentives to fund politicians who favor migration.

The government-invited flood of low-wage migrants spikes their real estate wealth and cuts the cost of local labor. This inflow also hides the failure of the city government to reform its education agencies and weaken the economic clout of the middle-class New Yorkers who might collectively elect a reformist mayor and governor.

“An international migration Ponzi scheme is the only thing that averts a demographic doom loop for cities like New York and San Francisco,” as Americans flee the Democrats’ huge and badly run cities, author Michael Lind wrote in a September 2023 article for Compact magazine.

However, Schumer and his party are also deeply reliant on billionaire donors based in his hometown of New York and California, home of failed presidential candidate Harris.

The party’s pro-migration donors are exemplified by, whose top lobbyist has blamed Democrats for not providing enough economic support to Biden’s flood of wealth-shifting migrants.

Mark Zuckerberg and a founding corps of West Coast consumer-economy investors created in 2014 to support the “Gang of Eight” migration expansion bill. Schumer helped push that bill through the Senate, but it was torpedoed when GOP primary voters defenestrated the House Republican’s Majority Leader, pro-migration Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA).

In 2020, Zuckerberg — and his policy adviser, David Plouffe — helped Biden defeat Trump. Since 2021, Mayorkas has imported roughly nine million inadmissible migrants to serve as consumers, renters, and workers for the U.S. consumer economy.

The economic and civic damage done by Mayorkas’s deliberate migration policy pushed a large share of undecided swing voters to support Trump during the last week of the 2024 campaign, according to a report by Blueprint2024, a pro-Democrat polling firm.

Harris lost because “the political atmosphere was pretty brutal,” Plouffe rationalized in a PodSaveAmerica podcast on November 26 — without admitting how his policies poisoned the political atmosphere for Harris. “I think the political atmosphere, the desire for change … really presented huge challenges for us,” Plouffe evaded.

On November 5, those challenges cost Schumer three senators plus the majority gavel — for the second time.

Authored by Neil Munro via Breitbart November 29th 2024