The Secret Weapon to Avoid Being a Victim of the Next China Virus

The following content is sponsored by The Wellness Company.

Like most “American” companies, Big Pharma relies on China to save a buck. But now the bill is coming due. Drug shortages, coupled with the new “white lung” China pneumonia outbreak, are causing severe prescription shortages in the United States.

The situation is grave: shortages are a matter of life or death for many Americans. Imagine suddenly being unable to get the medicine you need for an acute illness.

Learn the lessons from the past.

We can never forget the events that unfolded during the pandemic: how the FDA restricted life-saving medications such as Ivermectin.

Here’s a silver bullet for what’s next.

Early intervention against illness is like spotting a storm on the horizon and taking cover before it hits. These medication scarcities are more real than ever before. Being prepared is life or death investment.

Harvey Risch, Chief Epidemiologist at The Wellness Company, explains:

“Having The Wellness Company’s Medical Emergency Kit on hand shortens the amount of time between needing and receiving a critical medication. For example, with viral infections, it’s necessary that you treat the infection as early as possible. Time is a crucial factor for infectious diseases, so having these things on hand is a major benefit.”

Don’t rely on Joe Biden’s healthcare system to save lives.

Whether the crisis comes in the form of a new pneumonia or something more mundane like a tick bite – you and your family need to be prepared. That’s where The Wellness Company’s Medical Emergency Kits come in.

The Wellness Company and its great doctors – like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Drew, Dr. Harvey Risch, and Dr. Jim Thorp – are regularly in the media fighting against the broken medical establishment.

Dr. Thorp, one of the nation’s leading critics of corrupt Big Pharma, believes that now – more than ever – people should be prepared for the next crisis:

We can’t rely on our crumbling healthcare system to have our backs in an emergency. I’ve strongly recommended “stockpiling” critical medications for years – like the meds found in our Medical Emergency Kits. Early intervention is KEY at the first sign of symptoms. Taking an active approach by being prepared for the next illness has helped my family tremendously.

The Wellness Company and their doctors are medical professionals that you can trust, and their new Medical Emergency Kits are the gold standard when it comes to keeping you safe and healthy.

The ultimate safeguard for your health.

Be ready for the next crisis. This Medical Emergency Kit contains an assortment of life-saving medications – including Ivermectin, Amoxicillin, and Z-Pak. The Medical Emergency Kit also includes a guidebook to aid in the safe use of these life-saving medications.

This kit is prescription-only – you can’t find it in any store or pharmacy.

Order yourMedical Emergency Kit at The Wellness Company.

Simply fill out a short questionnaire after purchase, and a trusted Wellness Company doctor will confirm your suitability and issue your prescription Medical Emergency Kit.

Authored by The Wellness Company (Sponsored) via Breitbart December 10th 2023