Tim Scott: Decision to Endorse Trump over Haley Based on ‘Best Interest of America’s Future’

Monday, during an appearance on FNC’s “The Story,” Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) discussed his decision to endorse former President Donald Trump over former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley on the eve of the New Hampshire primary.

According to the South Carolina Republican lawmaker, he based it on what was in the “best interest of America’s future.”

“Well, I made the decision not based on what was in my best interest, not based on what was in Nikki’s best interest, or even what was in the best interest of Donald Trump,” he said. “My decision to endorse Donald Trump was, what is in the best interest of America’s future? And the more I thought about that, I came to really two conclusions. One was to stay on the sidelines, and the other was to endorse Donald Trump.”

“I did so for three very specific reasons,” Tim Scott added. “Number one, when I fought for Opportunity Zones to bring more resources to the poorest Americans, Donald Trump said yes. When I cut taxes and wrote the personal side of the tax code, lowering a single mother’s taxes by 70%, the president, Donald Trump, said yes. When I looked around the world, in the Middle East, in Eastern Europe, and in the Indo-Pacific, we had peace, peace, and peace, stability. Why? President Trump brought stability because he understood peace through strength. That’s missing. We need four more years of that.

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Authored by Jeff Poor via Breitbart January 22nd 2024