Tim Scott: I Don’t Object to Banning TikTok, But ‘We Can’t’ Due to the Courts, So We Have to Keep CCP from Data

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” 2024 GOP presidential candidate Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) stated that he doesn’t have any problems with banning TikTok, but we learned that “we can’t ban TikTok” since the courts thwarted former President Donald Trump on the issue, so “We have to separate or segregate the [Chinese Communist Party] from our kids’ data.”

Scott said, [relevant remarks begin around 4:05] “Well, listen, the former President tried to ban TikTok. I have no problem whatsoever with banning TikTok. What we learned with the former President is that the court struck it down, not once, but twice. Since we can’t ban TikTok, the question is, how do we eliminate the [Chinese Communist Party] from spying on our kids? We have to separate or segregate the [Chinese Communist Party] from our kids’ data. We have to stop them from spying on our kids, buying our farmlands, and trying to steal our intellectual property. I’ll be the president that gets that done. It’s not the strength of President Xi that should be our concern, it’s the weakness of President Biden that is so concerning. A strong American president will separate our kids’ information from the [Chinese Communist Party].”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart August 22nd 2023