Top House Intel. Dem: Red Sea ‘Getting Worse’ — Hope Iran Will Tell Houthis to Stop Because It Hurts China

On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Katy Tur Reports,” House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) stated that things “are getting worse” in the Red Sea and that the hope is “that groups like the Qataris and others, and the Iranians in particular, will say, hey, the Chinese are being hurt, global shipping is being hurt, stop it, and that we de-escalate.” Because no American strike will end their capability.

Host Katy Tur asked, “[Y]ou’re on the Intelligence Committee, are things getting worse or better in the Red Sea?”

Himes answered, “They are getting worse. I am very glad that the White House finally put its foot down and said we will not tolerate attacks on international shipping, but the Houthis are not done yet. And remember, the Houthis are empowered by taking fire from Americans. This elevates their status. So, there was never going to be a military attack that was going to end their capability to attack shipping in the Red Sea. Over time, it will. Over time, we hope that groups like the Qataris and others, and the Iranians in particular, will say, hey, the Chinese are being hurt, global shipping is being hurt, stop it, and that we de-escalate.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart January 25th 2024