Trump at Bronx Rally: Biden’s Policies Negatively Affecting Black and Hispanic Communities

Supporters of former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump atten
JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images

Black and Hispanic communities are most negatively impacted by President Joe Biden’s policies — including unfettered illegal immigration — former President Donald Trump said during his historic rally in the Bronx.

“The minute crooked Joe Biden shuffles out the door, I will rapidly rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world. Look, we had the greatest economy in history. … It doesn’t matter whether you’re black or brown or white, or whatever the hell color you are. It doesn’t matter. We are all Americans. And we’re going to pull together as Americans,” Trump said to the enthusiastic crowd.

“We had gasoline down to $1.87 … We had a record low poverty rate for black Americans and Hispanic Americans. We had the lowest — we had the best poverty rate in terms of the positive number ever in our history for black Americans and Hispanic Americans. We lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty,” Trump said, explaining that “nothing like that has ever happened.”

Middle class income rose, and the opposite has happened under Biden’s leadership, Trump told the crowd of New Yorkers.

“Real earnings for African Americans are down 5.6 percent. African Americans are getting slaughtered. Hispanic Americans are getting slaughtered. And these millions and millions of people that are coming into our country, the biggest impact and the biggest negative impact is against our black population and our Hispanic population, who are losing their jobs, losing their housing, losing everything can lose,” Trump said.

“They’re the ones that are affected most by what’s happening — not only the fact that you’ve lost the use of your schools, your parks, your hospitals,” he continued as the crowd chanted “Build the Wall!”

Trump then noted that the U.S. “had the safest border in history” when he was president. But Biden dropped the ball completely, reversing Trump policies, he noted.

“Our country has gone to hell because of it. It’s gone to hell. … This is not sustainable by any country. Right? This is not sustainable,” he added.


Authored by Hannah Knudsen via Breitbart May 23rd 2024