Trump at Bronx Rally: Crowd Erupts in ‘We Love Trump!’; ‘Four More Years!’; ‘Build the Wall!’

Supporters of former President Donald Trump watch as he holds a rally in the historical De
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

The crowd attending former President Donald Trump’s historic rally in the Bronx erupted in a chant of “We love Trump!” and “Four more years!” — another warning shot for Democrats as Trump stumps in their own backyard.

“Joe Biden is the worst president in the history of our country,” Trump said at the rally, describing him as “grossly incompetent.”

He added, “And our country’s going to hell, but we’re going to turn it around,” as Trump joked that he asked if the people loved him or hated him after seeing the crowds.

“They said they don’t like you sir, they love you,” Trump said, explaining that he loved his New York supporters too. The crowd erupted in the chant, “We love Trump!” repeatedly.

“But above all, New Yorkers have something called common sense and we do have common sense — an old fashioned American common sense is exactly what I intend to bring back to the White House, just like we had for four years,” Trump said, noting that his administration comprised “four of the greatest years in the history of our country.”

“We rebuilt the military. We cut taxes — the biggest tax cut in history, the biggest regulation cut in history. We defeated ISIS,” he said, explaining that Russia would have never attacked Ukraine, and Hamas would not have attacked Israel if he were in office.

“I am going to pick up the phone and I’m going to call your mayor and your governor and I’m going to say this is President Trump, and I want to come back and help. Look, you have a Democratic governor, you have a Democratic mayor, and we are going to work with them and we’re gonna get this state and this city at a level that it’s never, it’s never seen before,” Trump told the crowd, who also shouted, “Four more years!” during the rally.

“The minute crooked Joe Biden shuffles out the door, I will rapidly rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world. Look, we had the greatest economy in history. … It doesn’t matter whether you’re black or brown or white, or whatever the hell color you are. It doesn’t matter. We are all Americans. And we’re going to pull together as Americans,” he said to cheers as he told the crowd that the unfettered illegal immigration is having the biggest impact on black and Hispanic communities “who are losing their jobs, losing their housing, losing every thing can lose.”

“They’re the ones that are affected most by what’s happening not only the fact that you’ve lost the use of your schools, your parks, your hospitals, Joe Biden’s inflation,” he said as the crowd shouted, “Build the Wall!”


Authored by Hannah Knudsen via Breitbart May 23rd 2024