Trump Campaign Calls Out ‘Grifter’ Erin Perrine: ‘MAGA Disowns Her’


The Trump campaign is calling out “grifter” Erin Perrine, the former communications director for the pro-DeSantis Super PAC Never Back Down, deeming her a “traitor” and pointing out she is “trying to use her previous Trump association” to stay relevant.

“Look at this grifter @ErinMPerrine trying to use her previous Trump association to get on TV. She chose to side with DeSanctimonious and nothing can ever wash that foul stench of shit off her,” the Trump War Room said in a post on X, making it crystal clear that “MAGA disowns her and anyone else that associates/works with her.”

“TRAITOR!” they exclaimed:

The clip in question shows Perrine on Mornings with Maria. During the interview, Perrine talks about how President Biden is struggling to keep various coalitions — namely, minority voters — in his lane.

“They’re looking at a third party candidate as a possibility there. That’s a spoiler for Democrats,” she said, explaining that it ends up being a “passive vote for Trump because taking those votes away from Biden softens his support and just strengthens the ground that that Donald Trump is standing on.” Further, she pointed to the enthusiasm that Trump sees among his base:

Interestingly, the chyron on the screen describes Perrine as the former Trump campaign communications director, despite the fact that she jumped on the DeSantis train last year and rode it all the way to the pro-DeSantis PAC Never Back Down, which she has since departed.

“Erin joining Never Back Down cements our ability to deliver our message and grow our movement effectively. She will play a leading role in making sure we get Gov. Ron DeSantis to the White House,” said Chris Jankowski, the PAC’s executive director at the time, said in March 2023.

In December, Perrine stood as one of the many who had departed the organization amid rumors of infighting and a grave lack of momentum from DeSantis, who falls behind Trump by double digits in poll after poll.

The Trump campaign’s position comes as no surprise, as it issued a warning early last year to those who work for DeSantis, explaining that they will no longer be eligible to work in the Trump campaign or Trump White House moving forward.

Authored by Hannah Bleau Knudsen via Breitbart January 2nd 2024