"Trump Has Never Let Us Down": Longtime DeSantis Ally Flips On Ron Over Jewish Issues

Florida state Rep. Randy Fine (R), a longtime ally of Governor Ron DeSantis, has flipped his support to former President Donald Trump for the 2020 US election, citing Trump's record on Israel, and slamming DeSantis for 'doing nothing' about Nazis who have allegedly invaded Florida, according to The Floridian.

trump has never let us down longtime desantis ally flips on ron over jewish issues

"Today, I am endorsing @realDonaldTrump," Fine wrote on X. "The past 2 weeks have made me realize our choice as Jews is simple. We can vote for the Gov who says the right things, or we can vote for the President who actually does them. When it comes to action, Trump has never let us down," he continued.

In a Monday op-ed in the Washington Times with the headline: "Donald Trump has never let us down," Fine writes that he was "jumped by a Nazi in Florida. On video. Two weeks ago." 

He goes on to say that DeSantis has "said almost nothing" after Nazis began showing up in public in Florida, assaulting a Rabbi, hanging banners which read "Gas the Jews" over freeway overpasses, and "beat up a Jew."

Our world changed forever on October 7. The Holocaust did not end in 1945; it just went into hibernation. Radical Islam is the spiritual successor to the Nazis.

Words won’t save us.

Only actions will.

Donald Trump didn’t just talk about moving the Embassy. He did it.

Donald Trump didn’t just talk about Israeli security. He green-lit them annexing the Golan.

Donald Trump didn’t just talk about peace. He signed the Abraham Accords. He deserved a Nobel Peace Prize for it. -Randy Fine

Fine also spoke with The Floridian about the Hamas attacks in Israel. He called for the expulsion of the pro-Palestinian "Squad" in Congress.

"They are more focused on these Arabs in Gaza than they are on American hostages that are held there. That is treason," he continued.

Fellow Florida State Representative Joe Gruters (R), who had previously accused Gov. DeSantis of intentionally line-item vetoing Sarasota County projects for his Trump endorsement, replied to Fine's tweet, "Great decision, welcome to the team. @realDonaldTrump is who America needs to lead us now more than ever."

Fine closes his op-ed with: "There is no choice – we must return Donald Trump to the Oval Office. For Israel. For Jews. For America. And for the World."

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge October 24th 2023