Trump not willing to sign GOP loyalty pledge ahead of debate

Former President Trump would need to sign the pledge to participate in the Republican primary debates

Chris Christie jabs back at Trump following weight jokes: 'Such a big guy, such a tough guy'

Republican presidential candidate and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie took some shots at former President Donald Trump after the latter joked about his weight at a New Hampshire campaign stop.

Former President Trump said he is refusing to sign a loyalty pledge to the Republican Party, raising doubts about whether he will be debating fellow GOP candidates.

Trump dismissed the idea of making the pledge in an interview with Newsmax on Wednesday, telling "Eric Bolling The Balance" that the gesture would not be worth it.

"I wouldn’t sign the pledge," Trump said. "Why would I sign a pledge if there are people on there that I wouldn’t have?"


trump not willing to sign gop loyalty pledge ahead of debate

Former President Trump speaks during a campaign rally at Windham High School in Windham, New Hampshire. (Joseph Prezioso/AFP via Getty Images)

"I wouldn't have certain people as, you know, somebody that I endorse. So they want you to sign a pledge," the former president said of the candidate field. "I can name three or four people that I wouldn't support for president. So right there, there's a problem right there. There's a problem."

Trump took particular issue with the low bar for entry into the Republican debate regarding polling percentage and national support.

The former president said he would not want to give unpopular candidates with only a percentage of the vote a chance to say "nasty" things about him.


trump not willing to sign gop loyalty pledge ahead of debate

The 2024 GOP candidates have to meet certain RNC requirements for the first Republican presidential debate. (Fox News)

"You look at the debate, and they want you to debate, but you're debating — it's not really fair — somebody like Asa Hutchinson, who's polling at zero percent, will ask me nasty questions," Trump said. "Somebody like Chris Christie is falling at 1%, and he's going to ask me nasty questions and others, too."

Trump also cited decisions by previous Republican Presidents Reagan and Nixon to skip primary debates.

"Why would you do that when you're leading by so much?" Trump asked. "Ronald Reagan didn't do it. Nixon didn't do it. Many people didn't do it."

trump not willing to sign gop loyalty pledge ahead of debate

Former President Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Pickens, South Carolina. (Logan Cyrus/AFP via Getty Images)

He concluded, "But I'm going to look at it very seriously. I'd like to do it. I've actually gotten very good marks on debating talents. But you want to be, you know, they want a smart president. They want somebody that's going to be smart. So we have to do the smart thing."

Timothy Nerozzi is a writer for Fox News Digital. You can follow him on Twitter @timothynerozzi and can email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Authored by Timothy Nerozzi via FoxNews August 10th 2023