Trump Vows to End Biden’s ‘Insane Electric Vehicle Mandate’: Would ‘Kill Michigan’s Economy’

Former President Donald Trump vowed to end President Joe Biden’s electric vehicle (EV) rule, which he says would “kill” Michigan’s economy and benefit China, if elected while speaking in Freeland, MI, on Wednesday night.

Trump said he would “terminate Joe Biden’s radical plan to kill Michigan’s economy by repealing his insane electric vehicle mandate.”

Biden announced his rule to begin phasing out purchases of new gas-powered vehicles in March. The rule requires that by 2032, most new cars sold in the U.S. are EVs or hybrids.

“There’s a problem: They’re very expensive, and they don’t go far. Not going far is not good,” Trump said. “Also, they’re not going to be made in Michigan. They’re going to be made in China, every single one going to be made in China.”

He then blasted Shawn Fein, the head of the United Auto Workers (UAW), who endorsed Biden but admitted a “great majority” of UAW members “will not vote for President Biden.”

“United Auto Workers, I just want to tell you, the head of the United Auto Workers has really let you down to agree with that whole situation that they just did. That’s so good for China, and it’s so bad for Michigan,” Trump said. “But I’m gonna turn it around.”

“We’re putting tariffs on foreign cars. We’re bringing the car industry back to Michigan. The Biden electric vehicle mandate will be an economic bloodbath,” the 45th president said, trolling the media, who took his previous “bloodbath” comments about the auto industry entirely out of context.

Trump added that “‘Crooked Joe will rip out your auto jobs and send them immediately to China” and contrasted it with a pledge “to take jobs out of China and bring jobs back to Michigan” if he gets back in the White House.

“We’re going to keep Chinese cars the hell out of America. We don’t want them. We don’t want Chinese cars,” Trump said.

Ohio Republican Senate candidate Bernie Moreno, who built one of the largest dealerships in the U.S., previously pointed out that a Chinese company called BYD could “decimate” the American auto industry amid a “manic move” to electric vehicles.

“China has a company that people will start hearing a lot about called BYD,” the Trump-backed candidate told Breitbart News Saturday in March. “They’re building these giant, massive factories in Mexico and want to ship these cars over to the U.S. – $15,000-$20,000 electric vehicles – that would decimate our auto industry in America.”

Authored by Nick Gilbertson via Breitbart May 1st 2024