Trump Was Right: Sweden Finally Cracks Down On Illegals With Mandatory Reporting

Sweden's woke government clearly wants to keep their jobs.

After encouraging a hoard of migrants to flood the country, some of whom are rapey and violent, they're now cracking down, and have introduced a mandatory requirement for public institutions to report illegals.

Of course, Sweden's migrant problem could have been nipped in the bud six years ago if they' only listened to Donald Trump - who called out Sweden for failing to address the problem. 

trump was right sweden finally cracks down on illegals with mandatory reporting

"You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden," Trump said at a rally in response to a Fox News report covering a documentary exposing problems with violent immigrants.

"They’re having problems like they never thought possible," Trump said (which the MSM claimed was in response to a non-existent terrorism incident).

Sweden, cocky as ever, replied on Twitter: "Hey Don, this is @Sweden speaking! It’s nice of you to care, really, but don’t fall for the hype. Facts: We’re OK!"

Fast forward six years and reports that more than 100,000 people are living in the country illegally...

...During a Thursday press conference, Swedish Migration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard announced that employees of public institutions will soon be required to notify the authorities when they encounter illegal immigrants, and may face punitive action for failure to comply.

"The proposal for mandatory reporting of illegals in the public sector can counteract the shadow society," Stenergard told the press, adding that the move is "an important step in the paradigm shift that the current government is implementing in migration policy."

More via ReMix,

Public offices that may be compelled to report illegal immigrants could include job centers, social welfare offices, and libraries, although some institutions may be exempt.

“Healthcare services may be exempted from the obligation to report illegal immigrants; it is not clear yet whether schools will also be exempted,” Stenergard said.

Those who are found not to comply with the reporting requirements could find themselves in trouble.

We have rules today about misconduct, and it could be a civil procedure where fines are involved. But the investigator must look at what is reasonable and appropriate in terms of consequences,” said the minister.

trump was right sweden finally cracks down on illegals with mandatory reporting
FILE - Swedish Migration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard speaks with the media as she arrives for a meeting of EU interior ministers at the European Council in Brussels on Thursday, March 9, 2023. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)

She added the plans were necessary to crack down on the estimated 100,000 individuals currently living in Sweden without permission.

Those critical of the plan claim that such a move could dissuade individuals from seeking help from authorities and exacerbate the “shadow society” the minister seeks to eradicate.

In addition to the proposed reporting requirements, the center-right government, propped up by the right-wing Sweden Democrats, plans to extend the use of biometric screening, including the use of fingerprinting and facial recognition, to strengthen checks on people already living in the country.

It may involve fingerprints and photographs being taken and stored in more cases and for a longer period of time,” explained Christian Carlsson, migration spokesperson for the co-governing Christian Democrats.

Random immigration checks, which are currently not permitted in the country, may also be introduced.

Additionally, expiry dates on expulsion orders, which currently last for four years, could be extended or abolished, and the government is also exploring the possibility of introducing re-entry bans into the country.

The plans are expected to go through a consultation process ahead of being formally presented in January, with a final report expected in September next year.

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Is the woke experiment finally ending?

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge September 2nd 2023