Tuberville on Trump Conviction: ‘This Is a War on Our Constitutional Rights’

Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) said Tuesday on Newsmax TV’s “National Report” that former President Donald Trump’s conviction in his New York business record trial was a “war on our constitutional rights.”

When asked about a letter sent by eight Senate Republicans vowing to oppose major legislation and Biden nominees following guilty verdicts, Tuberville said, “To me, they’re not really taking this as seriously as we should. The American people need to wake up. This is a war. This is a war on our constitutional rights, our constitutional republic. This is not as much about Donald Trump as it is about the people in this country. I don’t call us Republicans and Democrats anymore. You’re either for our great country the way it’s been for the past 248 years or you’re anti-, you want to change it to how you want it to be.”

He continued, “We’re trying to get something over to our even our Republican colleagues say, this can’t go any longer. We have to stop this train from going down the track. If we don’t, we will lose in November, this coming year, this is not over. The Democrats are not finished with this. They will continue to pound this every day.”

Tuberville added, “We have so many bad things going on in this country right now. They are worried about Republicans taking back over the country that we love. And they better be worried about it because we will take back November 5 if they continue down this road of nonsense.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart June 4th 2024