Tuberville: Schumer’s Finally Having Individual Votes for Military Picks Like He Could Have Months Ago, But Wouldn’t

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) stated that Senate Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) moving to hold votes for the nominees for chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Corps commandant, and Army chief of staff demonstrates that Schumer could have brought nominees to the floor for votes one at a time a long time ago, but chose not to so he could blame Republicans.

Tuberville said, “I forced his hand…I got 17 senators to sign onto a petition, and I took it to the floor and said, I’m going to do my own cloture vote. I’m going to bring my own vote up, and Schumer says, no, no, no, we can’t let him do that…we’ll do it. … But still, I have my holds on, and they’re going to have to change this policy, or we’re going to go through a long, drawn-out process.”

He added, “[W]e got to the point where we needed to confirm some people, and Schumer, he wasn’t going to do it. He was just going to let it all blow up and make us look bad.”

Tuberville further stated, “They can do them one at a time, and they can do that. We taught Schumer how to go back to the floor and actually bring somebody to the floor so we could vote and confirm him. I think a lot of people thought, hey, I’m holding them up no matter what, no. Schumer can bring them up one at a time. We’ll probably vote for most of them. They’ll get confirmed. But they’ve waited 220 days, Laura, to do the first one. 220 days, they pushed all this stuff back on me.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart September 20th 2023