TX Dem Sheriff: New Rule for ICE on Churches, Schools Eliminates Rule Smugglers Exploited

On Tuesday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” Bexar County, TX Sheriff Javier Salazar (D) stated that it’s his understanding, based on a relaying of a conversation with an administration official that the changes to immigration enforcement rules for churches and schools won’t result in agents going “school to school, church to church to see which kids or teachers or whoever may be undocumented.” And are actually reversing rules that smugglers took advantage of to avoid apprehension.

Salazar said, “I’m certainly not pretending to speak for the White House or the Trump administration. I’m not here to pass a message. What I can tell you is, all I can share is what I have on good authority from a high-ranking law enforcement official who had a one-on-one meeting with him, and what I’m hoping is to bring down the fear level in my community and communities across the country by sharing what was shared with me.”

Salazar elaborated, “[H]e clarified somewhat about the schools and the churches, right? The fear was that they were going to be going door to door, church to school, checking students, checking teachers. That’s not necessarily what I’m told [are] their rules of engagement, I think, prior to, there had been orders that schools and churches were off-limits. And, unfortunately, I believe that drug runners and smugglers, coyotes knew that. And so, they would step into school property or church property, as it were, and they knew that they could not be apprehended. My understanding is that has been removed. And so, unless they have reason to head into a school or a church in fresh pursuit of somebody — now, granted, if they’re in the process of looking for somebody with a warrant, for example, that is undocumented and they have information that this guy drops off his kids at a school at 8:00 in the morning, well, certainly they’re going to lie in wait at the school. But my understanding is they’re not just going to be going willy-nilly, school to school, church to church to see which kids or teachers or whoever may be undocumented.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart January 28th 2025