
Ukraine’s Zelensky Tells U.N. Security Council Russia Must be ‘Forced Into Peace’

In this image provided by the Office of the Ukrainian Presidency, Ukrainian President Volo

Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky has made an appeal to the U.N. Security Council and “global south” nations to force Russia to peace, accusing the country of “international crimes” and of targeting nuclear power stations.

President Volodymyr Zelensky has rejected the utility of talks to resolve the Ukraine War, saying all the nations of the world to come together to “force” Russia into peace. Addressing the U.N. Security council in a punchy speech, President Zelensky told its members — Russia is a permanent member of the council — that: “we know some in the world want to talk to Putin… but what could they possibly hear from them, that he’s upset because we are exercising our right to defend our people?”.

The Ukrainian leader accused Russia of “international crimes” including razing cities and villages, and said “have have proof” that Russia is targeting Ukrainian nuclear power plants, potentially an extremely serious outcome. “This war can’t simply fade away, this war can’t be calmed by talks”, Zelensky said, remarking of the Russian nuclear attack threat: “If Russia is willing to go this far, it means nothing you value matters to Moscow.”

Making a global appeal, and particularly to nations who aren’t already donors to the Ukraine war effort, President Zelensky made an address to nations like China, Brazil, and African states for help. Britain’s The Guardian characterised his words as a message to the “global south”.

He said: I invite all of you, all principled nations to join us in this process, all who truly respect the U.N. charter. We invite China, we invite Brazil, I have already invited India. We are working with African nations, with all of Latin America, Middle East, Central Asia, Europe, the Pacific region, North America, all. All are equally important for peace.

This is due to be a big week for President Zelensky. Beyond his set-piece speeches to the United Nations, he is due to use his time in the United States to meet with key U.S. leaders including President Biden to present what Zelensky has repeatedly hailed as his “peace plan”. As well as the U.S. President, Zelensky also visited a U.S. munitions factory making shells for the war and is due to speak with Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, again on the peace plan.

One key element President Zelensky is expected to be working towards during his time in the U.S. is permission to use long-range missiles to strike Russian military bases deep inside Russia. Ukraine states these facilities are used to launch major air-strikes on Ukrainian cities that are far better defeated on the ground before they launch.

European backers are moving toward supporting Ukraine making these deep strikes into the Russian hinterland but Washington remains opposed, fearing escalation with Moscow.

President Zelensky is scheduled to address the United Nations again today in the morning session of the General Debate of the 79th Session, after 0900 New York time (1400 BST).


via September 24th 2024